Development > Utilities > Miscellaneous > Dashboard management 

This solely interactive function is used to interact in three different ways with the interactive dashboard.

It is used to:

  • initialize, duplicate or delete a dashboard
    • linked to a user,
    • or linked to a business code. In this case, the code is entered as such: "_" + business code.

SEEINFO An option makes it possible to copy favorites in case of duplication. When a user with a blank dashboard connects to the application, his/her dashboard is initialized:

    • by the dashboard linked to the business code "_" + business code (if a business code is associated with this user),
    • or by the gadgets "Menu" and "Favorites" (if there is no business code or no dashboard linked to this code)

  • check all dashboards defined in the database and detect potential inconsistencies (a log is generated),
  • search the where-used of a given gadget.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • User to be reinitialzed (field UT1)

This field is used to enter a user or a code with the form "_" + function profile code.

  • Initialize empty space (field INITVIDE)

Checking this box makes it possible to create a blank user dashboard for the user to be initialized.

If there is a _XXX dashboard, with XXX being the function profile of the user to be initialized, this dashboard is reused.

  • Delete (field INITSUPP)

Checking this box makes it possible to delete the user dashboard or the function profile dashboard entered in the User to be initialized field.

  • From (field UT2)

Used to enter a user or a code with the form "_" + function profile code.

  • Duplicate favorites (field DUPFAV)


  • Run (field ALANCER)

This icon is used to create, duplicate or delete a dashboard for a user when the User to be initialized field is assigned.

For example:

If the user to be initialized has the VEN function profile (directly set up in the user record or in the associated trade code) and there already is a "_VEN" dashboard, then it is going to be reused.


  • Run (field LANCEVERIF)



Code of a dashboard gadget.

  • Use number (field NBUST)

Features the number of uses encountered for a given gadget.

  • Run (field ARECH)

This icon is used to list the number of uses of a gadget entered in the Gadget field.


  • User (field AUT1)

User of the dashboard where the gadget is located.

  • Tab (field ATAB)

Tab of the dashboard where the gadget is located.

  • Module (field AMOD)

Title of the gadget in the dashboard which can be modified.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation