Common data > BP accounting tables > Economic reason/BP groups 

Use this function to manage and create economic reason codes by BP group. These groups can be used to include or exclude certain BPs and set specific economic reason codes for the group.

The grid displays existing BP groups.

Click the Edit icon to modify an existing group.


SEEREFERTTO  Refer to documentation Implementation.


 Click Create to define a new BP group. These settings apply to all BPs in the group.

All BPs added to a group must have the same legislation active. A BP that is active for several legislations can be part of several groups. A group can include different types of BPs: customers, suppliers, miscellaneous, etc., but only one legislation for the group.

Click the Append icon to add BPs to the group in the Details grid.


Click Create to define a BP group.




The following fields are present in this block:


  • Legislation (field LEG)

Enter the code for a supported legislation. All BPs in the group must have this legislation active.

  • Austrian
  • French
  • German
  • Portuguese
    • Group code (field COD)

    Enter a code that will be used for all BPs in this group.


    • BP code (field BPR)

    Enter or select the code for an existing BP.

    • All BP types (field FLGALL)

    Select this check box to include all BP types.

    • Type (field TYP)

    Select a BP type for the BP on this line:

  • Customer
  • Supplier
  • Carrier
  • Factor
  • Sales Rep
  • Miscellaneous BPs
    • Address code (field CRYADDCOD)

    Enter the address code for the BP that determines the country.

    • Always include BP (field FLGBPNINC)

    Select this check box to include this BP for the declaration even if the address is residential.

    For Portuguese legislation, this check box is required.

    • Economic reason code (field ECOCOD)

    Select an existing economic reason code to apply to this group.





    Select this action to view economic reason codes for all supported legislations.

    Select this action to only view economic reason codes for Austria.

    Select this action to only view economic reason codes for France.

    Select this action to only view economic reason codes for Germany.

    Select this action to only view economic reason codes for Portugal.


    Currently, this feature is only available for the following legislations:

    • Austrian
    • French
    • German
    • Portuguese

    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    The only error messages are the generic ones.