Usage > Audit > Connections 

Whenever the AUDIT activity code is activated, the Sage software is able to trace all the connections/disconnections to the current folder. These data, stored in the ALOGIN table, can be viewed by means of this function.


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Screen management



When starting the function, the inquiry criteria are defined (they can relate to the connection date and identity of the users, both at X3 and system levels).

This function can also be limited to tracing the faulty connections.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Period (field STRDAT)

If this date is entered, only those data whose last modification or creation date is earlier than or equal to it are viewed in the inquiry.

  • field ENDDAT

If this date is entered, only those data whose last modification or creation date is earlier than or equal to it are viewed in the inquiry.

If this field is populated, only those connections performed on the corresponding X3 user code (as defined in the AUTILIS table) will appear.

  • Adonix login (field LOGIN)

If this box is checked, only those connections performed on the corresponding user account (at system level) will appear.

Block number 2

  • Bad connection (field ERR)

If this box is checked, only the faulty connection attempts appear in the inquiry (the reason for the error is traced somewhere else).

  • All purpose (field TOUS)

If this box is checked, failed connections will appear in the inquiry whatever the reasons.

  • Reason (field STAT)

It is used to filter the display of the failed connections corresponding to a single reason (if the box All reasons is not checked).



Tab Audit


The grid that is displayed once the connection criteria have been chosen contains all the selected connection lines, sorted out in increasing chronological order. It should be noted that this order corresponds to the connection order. In effect, upon connection, a line is created in the ALOGIN table and a chronological number is then assigned to it. Upon disconnection, this line is updated.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Sequence no. (field SEQ)

Sequence number assigned by the system upon writing in the log table. To that end, the sequence associated with the ALOGIN table is used (by means of the uniquid adonix function).

  • Adonix login (field ADOLOG)

This code corresponds to the user code entered in the login box (identified as login code in the user record). The entered value is displayed as it has been entered in the login box (it can be in upper case or lower case letters, even if the login code of the user record was entered in upper case letters).

It should be noted that, in the case of a Web connection via direct link that brings the user back to a login box, the displayed code is ASK_(the final user code being identified in the User column).

  • User (field ADOUSR)

User code (user record key) that identifies the user connected during the session. This code corresponds to the GUSER variable.

  • System login (field SYSUSR)

It corresponds to the user code that allows connection to the system.

  • Client (field ADRCLI)

It identifies the network address of the client workstation, or the intermediate connexion Web server, that opened the session.

  • Type of connection (field ADOTYP)

It identifies the type of connection with which the session is opened (primary, secondary, batch...). The 924 local menu identifies all possible connections types.

  • Connection date (field DATCNX)

It corresponds to the system date and time of the processing server upon user connection.

  • Time (field HOUCNX)


  • Disconnection date (field DATDCX)

It corresponds to the system date and time of the processing server upon user disconnection. As long as this field is empty, the user is supposed to be connected.

The only instance when this field is not populated when the user is no longer connected corresponds to a sudden process interruption (for instance, system or database shutdown, task interruption by an administrator via task monitoring).

  • Time (field HOUDCX)


  • Adonix id (field ADOID)

This numerical value identifies in a unique fashion an adonix session on a given application server. It is then used as an identifier upon connection. For the current connection, its value is obtained by the adxuid(1) formula.

  • DB id (field BDDID)

This code identifies the session open in the database. Depending on the databases, it is obtained in different ways:

  • it is the SESSIONID environment value under Oracle, obtained via a query of type:

select userenv('SESSIONID') From dual

  • it is the @@spid variable under Sql server.

It identifies in a unique fashion a connection to a database, and it is namely used to make the link between an update and the user code in the triggers created via the audit tab in the table dictionary.

  • Failure reason (field STA)

It defines the reason code when the connection fails (for instance, incorrect user, too many open sessions). The values coming from the 948 local menu can be displayed.

  • Message (field MSG)

It corresponds to the error message sent back to the user when the connection has been denied.



Specific Buttons

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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