Refer to documentation Implementation
A range of heading codes must be entered. The headings with MO accounts and included in that range are displayed. The deletion of a line is used to delete the MO account of the heading. The addition of a line is used to enter a new MO account for a heading. The heading entered must belong to the range of headings entered in the header. All the data linked to the posting of MOs can be updated.
The following fields are present on this tab :
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| Enter a sequence or a heading code to define an interval of heading codes. All headings included in this interval and that are transferred into MO accounts are selected. They are displayed and sorted per sequence. |
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Grid Accounts
| Only the headings matching the following criteria can be updated: - The code of the heading is included in the range of the heading codes - The heading is not of Funding base type - The heading is not used as intermediate calculation - The heading is a calculation rounding not null, inferior to the calculation rounding of the local currency It is possible on the grid to: - Delete the accounting assignment of a heading, by deleting a line. - Add an account to post the heading, by adding a line. - Modify the accounting assignment of a heading, by modifying a line. |
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| For each heading, you can define from 0 to 3 accounts for the posting of the heading amount.
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In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The heading sequence of the range end is inferior to the heading sequence of the range start.
In the range of the headings, no heading contains MO accounts.
Upon saving the modifications, a control is performed to check that the number of MO accounts of each heading does not exceed the number of accounts specified in the RUBRIQUE (4) table.