This document does not involve the migration process of the Fixed Assets X3 V5 module to the Sage X3 V7, which belongs to the global migration process of a folder to V7. Refer to the documentation on Sage X3:Functional prerequisites and post-requisites for the migration of a folder to V7
The migration of the Sage X3 Fixed Assets V5 product to Sage X3 V7 is carried out by means of a specific processing that is different from the one used when migrating an X3 product (where the folder is imported via the console, then validated in the new solution). The purpose is not to migrate the whole Fixed Assets V5 folder but to insert the Fixed Assets and their various parameters into a folder containing other modules, especially the Financials module which has some common parameters with the Fixed Assets.
The aim of this process is to read the tables of the V5 folder described here below by means of a link, and to create and update the corresponding tables in the V7 destination folder. It is activated in the V7 destination folder by means of this function, used to choose the V.5 folder and the various execution parameters: choice of the companies, allocation of the analytical dimension types, etc.
For performance reasons, the reading is conducted without a lock being applied. It is therefore imperative that no user work during the migration.
On the one hand, the migration processes the independent common ledger of the companies, and on the other hand, each selected company.
It is possible to only process the common ledger or a single company (when the common ledger has already been processed when another company was migrated).
This processing can be launched in simulation mode and it produces a full log file that details all the created or updated objects.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Action icon
This button is used to automatically allocated the original dimensions to be migrated. This assignment is carried out on the basis of the dimensions sequence order.
The basic principle for each table to process is simple: through the link, the processing opens the source table, as well as the destination table in the local folder. Then it loops onto the records (by company or not , depending on the cases) of the source table. Finally it creates or updates the records in the destination table.
The translatable texts (ATEXTRA table) are copied for each table in all the languages available in the destination folder.
The grid below lists all the tables concerned by the migration.
Table | Abr. | Description |
| Migrated from a Fixed Assets folder if link |
| Common | Company |
ADOVAL | ADW | Parameter values |
| X |
| yes | yes |
ACODNUM | ANM | Document serial number sequences |
| X |
| yes | no |
APLCOM | ACM | Counters |
| X |
| yes | no |
AVALNUM | AVN | Sequence number counter values |
| X |
| yes | yes |
TABCOUAFF | TCA | Sequence number counter assignment table |
| X |
| yes | no |
DPRMOD | DPM | Depreciation methods |
| X |
| yes | yes |
DPRMODOPT | DMO | - Depreciation method option |
| X |
| yes | yes |
DPRMODRAT | DMR | Depreciation method rate |
| X |
| yes | yes |
SAITRS | SAI | Entry transaction |
| X |
| yes | no |
SAITRSDET | DST | Entry transaction detail |
| X |
| yes | no |
PARLDAP | LDA | Link setup. asset expense |
| X |
| yes | yes |
PARTRZL | TZL | Transit area setup |
| X |
| yes | yes |
PARTRZLDET | TZD | Transit area setup detail |
| X |
| yes | yes |
FREFLD | FRF | Free fields |
| X |
| yes | yes |
GAUTACE | GAU | Automatic journals |
| X |
| yes | no |
GAUTACED | GAD | Automatic journals (lines) |
| X |
| yes | no |
GAUTACEF | GAG | Automatic journal formulas |
| X |
| yes | no |
TYPACE | TPE | Accounting entry types |
| X |
| yes | yes |
TYPEACEINT | TPI | Accounting entry types |
| X |
| yes | yes |
INVPAR | IPA | Dictionary Symbol PDT3100 |
| X |
| yes | yes |
INVPCR | IPC | Reconciliation criteria |
| X |
| yes | yes |
INVPRB | IPB | Asset to be entered section |
| X |
| yes | yes |
INVPRI | IPI | Stock count field |
| X |
| yes | yes |
INVOPE | IOP | Physical asset count operation: |
| X |
| yes | yes |
ATABDIV (1) | ADI | Miscellaneous tables |
| X |
| yes | no |
ATABTAB (1) | Sales Management | Miscellaneous table setup |
| X |
| yes | no |
RVACOEH | COH | Reval. coefficient (header) |
| X |
| yes | yes |
RVACOED | COD | Reval. coefficients (detail) |
| X |
| yes | yes |
CCNCOE (2) | COE | Update coefficients |
| X |
| yes | yes |
TABCUR | TCU | Currency table |
| no |
| yes | no |
TABCHANGE | TCH | Currency exchange rate table |
| no |
| yes | no |
ITMMASTER | ITM | Products |
| no |
| yes | no |
| no |
| yes | no |
KCOEF (3) | KCO | Impairment loss coefficients |
| X |
| yes | no |
PARFLUX | PFL | Flow setup (header) |
| X |
| no | yes |
PARFLUXDET | PFD | Flow setup (detail) |
| X |
| no | yes |
GACCOUNT | GAC | General ledger accounts |
| no |
| no | yes |
GACCCODE | CAC | Accounting codes |
| X |
| no | yes |
CACCE | CCE | Analytical dimensions table |
| no |
| no | yes |
CADSP | DSP | Prior allocation keys |
| no |
| no | yes |
BRDKEY | BRD | Distribution key |
| X |
| no | yes |
FACILITY (4) | FCY | Sites |
| X |
| no | yes |
LOCALIZAT | LOC | Location |
| X |
| no | yes |
SECACT | SAC | Activity sector |
| X |
| no | yes |
CONTEXT | CNX: | Contexts |
| X |
| no | yes |
PROPLNH | PPH | Production workbench |
| X |
| no | yes |
PROPLN | PPL | Production workbench |
| X |
| no | yes |
RUBASSDEF | RDE | Associations – definition |
| X |
| no | yes |
RUBASSDEFP | RDP | Associations - definition/plan |
| X |
| no | yes |
RUBASSVAL | RVA | Associations - values |
| X |
| no | yes |
RUBASSVALP | RVP | Associations - values/plan |
| X |
| no | yes |
LAYOUTFAS | LOF | Expenses |
| X |
| no | yes |
FXDASSETS | FAS | Assets |
| X |
| no | yes |
IMPAIRM | DEP | Charge |
| X |
| no | yes |
CCNRPR | RPR | Provisions for renewal |
| X |
| no | yes |
FXDLIFL | FLU | Account changes/modification tracking |
| X |
| no | yes |
VATHIS | Tax | Tax – History |
| X |
| no | yes |
GACCTMP | HAT | Accounting documents |
| no |
| no | yes |
GACCTMPD | DAT | Accounting documents lines |
| no |
| no | yes |
GACCTMPA | AAT | Accounting analytical lines |
| no |
| no | yes |
GACIASTMP | HIR | IAS accounting documents |
| no |
| no | yes |
GACIASTMPD | DIT | IAS accounting document lines |
| no |
| no | yes |
LNKCPTABX3 | LCA | ABELX3 Accntg link |
| X |
| no | yes |
LNKCPTABD | LCD | ABELX3 Accntg link detail |
| X |
| no | yes |
PHYELT (5) | PHY | Physical elements |
| X |
| no | yes |
INVSTA (5) | IVY | Stock count statements |
| X |
| no | yes |
LEASE (6) | LEA | Lease contracts |
| X |
| no | yes |
LEABILBOOK (6) | LBB | Open items lease contract end |
| X |
| no | yes |
GRANTS (7) | GRT | Subsidies |
| X |
| no | yes |
CASHING (7) | CAS | Cash collections |
| X |
| no | yes |
CONCESSION (2) | CCN | Concession |
| X |
| no | yes |
RNWPREP (2) | RWP | Renewal |
| X |
| no | yes |
E* (8) | * | Event table |
| X |
| no | yes |
(1) See below the correspondence of miscellaneous tables v. 5/v. 7.
(2) If the activity code CCN - Concessions is to Yes.
(3) If the activity code KPO - Portuguese localization is to Yes.
(4) Only in update:
(5) If the activity code PHY - Physical elements is to Yes.
(6) If the activity code LEA - Financial lease contract is to Yes.
(7) If the activity code GRT - Grant is to Yes.
(8) Event tables described in the miscellaneous table 952 of the Fixed Assets V5 folder.
Miscellaneous table | V.5 | V.7 |
Accounting code change reason | 403 | 603 |
Building | 404 | 604 |
Floor | 405 | 605 |
Accounting group | 411 | 611 |
Transfer reason | 412 | 612 |
Cash Generating Unit | 413 | 613 |
Investment projects | 414 | 614 |
Investment budget | 415 | 615 |
Investment request | 416 | 616 |
Grant bodies | 417 | 617 |
Contract/Project | 420 | 620 |
Split reason | 426 | 626 |
Appraiser | 427 | 627 |
Taxable horse power (Scale 3) | 428 | 628 |
Carbon tax (Scale 1) | 429 | 629 |
Vehicle users | 430 | 630 |
Determined field associations | 951 | 961 |
Events | 952 | 962 |
Stock count field | 953 | 963 |
Field link PDT3100 - Statement field | 954 | 964 |
Vehicle type | 955 | 965 |
Non-enterable fields - Stock count | 956 | 966 |
it is necessary to reprocess some tables, in addition to the mere copy.
Social ledger
Line in V7 | Line in V5 | Description |
1 | 1 | Fixed asset account |
2 | 2 | Depreciation account |
3 | 3 | Operation depreciation charges |
4 | 4 | Exceptional depreciation charges |
5 | 5 | Book vs.. Tax depreciation charges |
7 | 7 | Reversals of operation depreciations |
8 | 8 | Reversals of exceptional depreciations |
9 | 9 | Reversals of Book vs. Tax depreciations |
10 | 10 | Acc. value of sold active elements |
13 | 11 | Reversals of special revaluation provisions |
14 | 14 | Provisions for impairment loss |
15 | 12 | Depreciation charges to |
16 | 13 | Reversals on depreciation charges for |
IAS ledger
Line in V7 | Line in V5 | Description |
1 | 16 | Fixed asset account |
2 | 17 | Depreciation account |
3 | 18 | Operation depreciation charges |
4 | 19 | Exceptional depreciation charges |
7 | 20 | Reversals of operation depreciations |
10 | 21 | Reversals of exceptional depreciations |
13 | 23 | Reversals of special revaluation provisions |
14 | 26 | Provisions for impairment loss |
15 | 24 | Depreciation charges to |
16 | 25 | Reversals on depreciation charges for |
Following the migration, it is imperative to perform the following controls:
Development/Utilities/Dictionary/Transaction generation
Setup/Organizational structure/Account core models
Setup/Fixed assets/Depreciation contexts
Parameters/Financials/Accounting Interface/Automatic Journals
Document code | Description | Document code |
OGFAS | Asset: "Empty" entry | Deleted document |
0GGRT | Grant: "Empty" entry | Deleted document |
0GLEA | Contract: "Empty" entry | Deleted document |
0GLOF | Expenditure: "Empty" entry | Deleted document |
0SAMT | Asset: "Empty" expense | Deleted document |
0SBVA | Asset: Adjust tax adjust. | Deleted document |
0SCNL | Asset: "Empty" cancellation | Deleted document |
0SDCP | Expenditure: "Empty" bk transfer | Deleted document |
0SDPR | Asset: "Empty" impairment loss | Deleted document |
0SDVA | Expenditure: Adjust tax adjust. | Deleted document |
0SREV | Asset: "Empty" revaluation | Deleted document |
0SSOR | Asset: "Empty" asset issue | Deleted document |
0SVIR | Asset: "Empty" account transfer | Deleted document |
CCAMT | Asset: Group expense | FXDPR |
CCBVA | Asset: VAT adjustment | FXVAT |
CCCNL | Asset: Deletion (Group) | FXCNL |
CCDCP | Expenditure: Account transfer | EXTRF |
CCDPR | Asset: Impairment loss | FXIML |
CCDVA | Expenditure: VAT adjustment | EXVAT |
CCREV | Asset: Revaluation | FXREV |
CCSOR | Asset: Asset issue | FXISS |
CCVIR | Asset: Account transfer | FXTRF |
CSAMT | Asset: Company expense | FXDPR |
CSBVA | Asset: VAT adjustment | FXVAT |
CSCNL | Asset: Deletion (Company) | FXCNL |
CSDCP | Expenditure: Account transfer | EXTRF |
CSDPR | Asset: Impairment loss | FXIML |
CSDVA | Expenditure: VAT adjustment | EXVAT |
CSREV | Asset: Revaluation | FXREV |
CSRPU | Asset: Leasing option removal | LERPU |
CSSOR | Asset: Asset issue | FXISS |
CSTRF | Asset: Analytical transfer | FXTRA |
CSVIR | Asset: Account transfer | FXTRF |
PSISS | Provisions: Asset transfers | PSISS |
PSRNW | Provisions: Renewals | PSRNW |
PSRPR | Provisions: Expenses | PSRPR |
Financial module
Document code | Description | Document code |
0GCRB | Grant: "Empty" reint | Deleted document |
0GCRT | Grant: "Empty" attribute | Deleted document |
0GCSH | Grant: Collec. Collec. | Deleted document |
0LACT | Contract: "Empty" update | Deleted document |
0LCRT | Contract: "Empty" subscription | Deleted document |
0LPAY | Contract: "Empty" due date | Deleted document |
0LRPU | Contract: "Empty" option removal | Deleted document |
0LTRM | Contract: "Empty" termination | Deleted document |
GCCRB | Grant: Reintegration | GCCRB |
GCCRT | Grant: Allocation | GCCRT |
GCCSH | Grant: Collection | GCCSH |
GSCRB | Grant: Reintegration | GSCRB |
GSCRT | Grant: Allocation | GSCRT |
GSCSH | Grant: Collection | GSCSH |
LCACT | Contract: Update | LEACT |
LCCRT | Contract: Subscription | LECRT |
LCPAY | Contract: Open item payment | LEPAY |
LCRPU | Contract: Option removal | LERPU |
LCTRM | Contract: Termination | LETRM |
LSPAY | Contract: Open item payment | LEPAY |
Parameters/Financials/Document types
Parameters/Fixed Assets/Accounting entry types
Development/Utilities/Dictionary/Transaction generation
Parameters/General parameters/Parameter values
Parameters/Financials/Journal entry transaction
Parameters/General parameters/Parameter values