The market value, generally determined by expert knowledge, is used to value the asset at its correct value, which corresponds to the amount for which the asset could be exchanged under normal competitive conditions

This market value can be used :

- by the Re-evaluation process,

- by the Depreciation process.

This window is called from the Options menu in the Financial asset management function.


Screen management

Entry screen


The market value can be entered :

  either during the use of the depreciation or re-evaluation process; in this case, it can no longer be entered in this window. It inherits, for the plan concerned, the value entered during the re-evaluation and/or depreciation.

  or in this window, in the case where no depreciation or re-evaluation process has been carried out in the current period or in the current financial year if the financial year is not sub-divided into periods.

This window is therefore used to enter the market value of the asset in the management currency for the company, the amount entered is transferred to the grid, for each of the plans managed in the company. This amount, which cannot be entered, is converted, by means of the specified exchange rate, into the currency for the plan if this is different to the company currency. It is also copied, whilst remaining modifiable, to the re-evaluation and depreciation process screens.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Market value (field NSPVALP)

When any revaluation or impairment loss processing has been carried out on the current period (or the current exercise if the periods are not managed), this field is used to enter the market value of the asset. The amount entered is copied on each managed plans of the company, converted in the currency of the plan if this one is different from the company currency. When a revaluation or impairment loss processing has already been carried out on the current period (or the current fiscal year), this field is empty and cannot be entered.

This field displays the company management currency, as a reminder.

This field contains the name of the last expert who has intervened on the fixed asset.

  • Comment (field RVACMT)

This field displays the comment entered during the last revaluation of the fixed asset.


  • Plan (field DPRPLN)

The code for the depreciation plan.

This field, non modifiable, displays the management currency of the context which the plan belongs to.

  • Rate type (field CURTYP)

This field is used precise the type of exchange rate to use if the plan currency is different from the company's. When it is identical, this field cannot be entered.

  • Currency rate (field RATCUR)

This field is used to specify the exchange rate used when the currency of the plan is different from the company currency. This field cannot be accessed when the currency of the plan is the same as the company currency.

  • Market value (field NSPVAL)

Market value of the asset in the plan concerned. In the case where it is entered, this value comes from:

  • Either the market value entered in this window, copied to the grid, for each plan managed by the company after the conversion to the currency of the plan if this differs from the company currency.
  • Either the market value entered at the fist use, according to the plan, for a re-evaluation or depreciation process in the current period (or the current fiscal year f the periods are not managed). This market value is copied to each of the other plans already carrying a market value, on the condition that the period start date (or fiscal year start date) are identical to that of the plan assigned by the processing. This market value can no longer be entered.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation