Use this screen to enter additional information about the asset when it is a vehicle. If the two following conditions are met, this information is to generate the preparatory report that is used for producing the 2855 Company vehicle taxfiscal statement (Report code: FAS2855-2021):
- The vehicle registration number is entered.
- The setup in miscellaneous table 631 for the vehicle model authorizes its acknowledgment in the Company vehicle taxstatement that you can access from the Options menu in the Fixed assets function.

See Formulaire 2855-SD.pdf from the French government site for details.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management


Entry screen


Use this screen to define:

  • The vehicle registration number
  • The taxation rate (full rate or exemption)
  • The taxation rule (CO2 emission rate or tax horsepower) that determines the scale used to calculate one of the two elements of the tax amount.
  • The vehicle characteristics listed on the vehicle registration document, including the fiscal horsepower and the CO2 emission rate, that must be entered according to the selected taxation rule.
  • The type of fuel used that determines the second element of the tax amount.
  • This information, specifically the registration number, must be specified for vehicles that need to be included in the preparatory report of the 2855 fiscal statement.
  • The rental date and duration when the Holding type of the asset is On rentaland if the asset is not attached to a long-term rental contract.


1/ These dates cannot be entered if the Holding type of the asset is In leasingand if the asset is not attached to any contract.

2/ These dates are automatically loaded and updated as the contract dates when the asset is attached to a contract; these dates cannot be modified after the vehicle registration number is entered.

The following preset queries are available in the reference folder in the standard version:





List of vehicles

List of vehicles with characteristics and depreciation fiscal reintegration.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Number (field NPL)

Enter the vehicle registration number.

This displays on the FAS2855 – Taxes on company vehicles preparatory report.

  • Date (field RGNDAT)

Enter the vehicle registration date.

  • 1st use (field FIRICIDAT)

Enter the date when the vehicle was put into use for the first time.

For French legislation, if this date is on or after March 1, 2020 and the Tax rule is set to CO2 emission rate, the new rates apply. The new rates apply to vehicles covered by the WLTP registration system.


This field is used to enter the name of the user of the vehicle.


  • Taxation rate (field TAXPLI)

This field is used to specify the taxation rate of the vehicle: full rate, 50% exempt or total exemption.

For companies that are submitted to French legislation.

  • 50% exempt no longer has any effect from January 1st on due to legislation changes. The tax calculation is carried out at the Full rate.
  • For Total exemption, you need to check whether the vehicle still meets the exemption conditions.



  • Tax rule (field VEHTAXRUL)

Select a rule to determine the rate from which the taxation amount is calculated.

  • Fiscal engine size (HP) and you must enter the corresponding amount in the Power field.
    These vehicles are the subject of a national type approval procedure and not a Community type approval; or they are subject of a Community type approval but were marketed before 1 June 2004; or they are the subject of a Community approval and were marketed after 1 June 2004, but were part of the company's fleet before 1 June 2006.
  • CO2 emission rate and you must enter the corresponding amount in the CO2 rate field.
    This rule, which depends on the characteristics of the vehicle (national or Community receipt procedure, date of first use, marketing date, date of acquisition or use by the company), is not determined automatically.
  • % of usage (field VEHUSGPRC)



This field is used to enter the vehicle type.
It is at the level of the 965 Vehicle model miscellaneous table that are indicated, for each of the models:
- whether the associated vehicles must be taken into account by the FAS2055 fiscal statement,
- the admission coefficient to apply to the vehicles of this model upon creation of the asset.

This field is used to enter the brand of the vehicle.

This field is used to specify the type of body of the vehicle.

  • Power (field VEHPWR)

This field is used to specify the engine rating for administrative purposes, expressed in HP.
This value must be entered when the Taxation rule is based on the Fiscal power (HP).

  • Number of places (field VEHPLCNBR)

This field indicates the number of places in the vehicle.

  • TC wght (field VEHWEI1)

This field is used to specify the Gross Vehicle Weight.

  • TR wght (field VEHWEI2)

This field is used to specify the Gross Combination Weight.

  • CO2 rate (field VEHCO2)

Use this field to enter the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission rate in grams per kilometer.

This value must be entered when the Tax rule is based on the CO2 emission rate.

The current rates as of 2020 are listed in the 2855 fiscal report for French legislation.

  • Fuel (field FUEL)

Select the type of fuel used that determines the amount of the tax component related to emissions of air pollutants.

Fuel and similar products: All fuel types that are neither diesel or similar nor electric.

Diesel and similar products


Other: If you select this value, this vehicle is excluded from the tax report.


  • Lease start (field RNTSTRDAT)

This field is used to specify the rental start date for rented vehicles (the Holding type of the asset has the value Rented).
When the asset is linked to a lease contract this date cannot be entered as it is automatically set to the start date indicated on the contract.

  • Lease end (field RNTENDDAT)

This field is used to specify the rental end date for rented vehicles (the Holding type of the asset has the value Rented).
When the asset is linked to a lease contract this date cannot be entered as it is automatically set to the end date indicated on the contract.

  • Rent dur. months (field RNTMONDUR)

This field is used to specify the duration of the rental in month for rented vehicles. It is calculated by default using the rental start and end dates. It can however be modified.

  • Rent dur. days (field RNTDAYDUR)

This field is used to specify the duration of the rental in days for rented vehicles. It is calculated by default using the rental start and end dates. It can however be modified.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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