This screen is used to display the result of the unit calculation of the fiscal year depreciation or period depreciation for an asset, from the current fiscal year or current period up to the end of its life.

This simulation is possible on one depreciation plan or, for comparison purposes, two plans, in which case the depreciation grid will also display the fiscal year charge variance or period charge variance (book vs tax depreciation in the case of the Accounting and Financial plans).

This window is called from the   button from the management of Financial assets function.


SEEINFO A mass calculation processing of depreciation for simulation purposes is also available; it makes it possible to specify the contexts and depreciation plans to calculate, to select the assets concerned, and to specify the fiscal year/period calculation horizon.
SEEREFERTTORefer to the Depreciation simulation processing.

Screen management

 This screen can be accessed only in display mode; none of the values displayed can be modified.

It is made up of:

  • A header which is used to select the plan(s) to display and indicate if a fiscal year or period is requested.
  • A grid which displays, after activating the  button, the simulation of the fiscal year or period depreciation, for the selected plan(s).

- If a fiscal year simulation is requested, the first line of the table corresponds to the current fiscal year, while the rest of the table displays as many lines as there are fiscal years until the end of life of the asset.
Note: if the current fiscal years of the two selected depreciation plans differ (in terms of year), the first line corresponds to the older current fiscal year. The depreciation lines for the other plan are loaded only starting from its current fiscal year.

 - If a period simulation is requested, the first line of the table corresponds to the current period in the current fiscal year. The table then displays as many lines as there are periods managed in the current and next fiscal years. Beyond the next fiscal year, the table displays the fiscal year simulation, with as many lines as there are fiscal years until the end of life of the asset. 



 The header recalls the reference as well as the description of the asset from which the screen is called.

It is also used:

  • To select the plan(s) to calculate.
    The choice of a second plan belonging to a different context than the first is subject to the following conditions:
    - The days and months of these start and end dates for the current or next fiscal years must be identical to those of the current fiscal year of the first context.
    - Its management currency must be identical to the first context currency.
  • To indicate whether a fiscal year or period simulation is requested.
    If a second plan belonging to a different context than the first one is selected, the possibility to display a period simulation is possible only if both contexts meet the following conditions:
    - the days and months of their start and end dates for the current fiscal year are identical,

     - their period breakdown (month/day/year) is identical.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This field, that cannot be modified, recovers the company in which the financial asset is referenced.

This non modifiable field contains the reference of the financial asset.

  • Description (field AASDES1)

This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset.

Depreciation plan

  • Context (field CNX1)

Enter the depreciation context.

  • Plan (field PLN1)

This field is used to indicate the plan for the context.

  • Second plan ? (field OTHPLN)

This indicator must be activated to make a simulation on two amortisation plans for comparison purposes.

  • Context (field CNX2)


  • Plan (field PLN2)



  • FY/Period (field FIYPER)

This field is used to specify if the simulation must be carried out by period or by financial year.
When the simulation is applied to two plans belonging to different contexts, the choice of period simulations is only possible if the period sub-division of the contexts is identical.



Tab Depreciation plan


This grid is loaded after activating the  button.

It presents the detail of the following depreciation values for the plan indicated, with each line corresponding to a fiscal year, or a period if a period is requested:

- Basis
- Total (fiscal year start or period start)
- Depreciation balance
- Charge
- Exceptional charge
- Impairment
- Recovery
- Net value 

If the simulation of a second plan is requested, the depreciation values of this second plan are presented for each line after the values of the first plan. The last column displays the variance between the charges (normal charge plus exceptional charge) for the two plans selected.

Note: The table data can be displayed as a chart by clicking the icon at the top-left corner of the table (see the documentation on Table management). 




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Fiscal year (field FIYENDDAT)

This field, that cannot be modified, includes the fiscal year end date of the context to which the plan belongs.

  • Period (field PERENDDATC)

This non modifiable field is only entered in the case of period simulation.
It contains the period end date for the plan.

  • Basis (field BSEVAL1)

This non modifiable field contains the depreciation basis amount (balance sheet value) for the 1st chart of accounts.

  • Total (field DPRCUM1)

This non modifiable field contains the deprecation total for the asset at the start of the financial asset or the period start on the first selected deprecation plan.

  • Charge (field ENDDPE1)

This non modifiable field contains the financial year or period charge for the first selected depreciation plan.

  • Except charge (field EXCDPR1)

This non modifiable field contains the exceptional charge amount for the financial year or period for the first selected depreciation plan.

  • Deprec. balance (field IMLSLD1)

This non modifiable field contains the depreciation balance at the start of the financial year or period of the first plan.

  • Impairment (field IML1)

This non modifiable field contains the deprecation amount established during the financial year or the period for the first selected deprecation plan.

  • Recovery (field IMLRVE1)

This non modifiable field contains the deprecation recovery amount during the financial year or the period for the first selected deprecation plan.

  • Net value (field VALNET1)

This field, non modifiable, contains the asset net value at the end of a financial year or period in the 1st amortisation plan selected.

  • Basis (field BSEVAL2)

This non modifiable field contains the depreciation basis amount (balance sheet value) for the 2nd chart of accounts.

  • Total (field DPRCUM2)

This non modifiable field contains the deprecation total for the asset at the start of the financial asset or the period start on the second selected deprecation plan.

  • Deprec. balance (field IMLSLD2)

This non modifiable field contains the depreciation balance at the start of the financial year or period of the second plan.

  • Charge (field ENDDPE2)

This non modifiable field contains the financial year or period charge for the second selected depreciation plan.

  • Except charge (field EXCDPR2)

This non modifiable field contains the exceptional charge amount for the financial year or period for the second selected depreciation plan.

  • Impairment (field IML2)

This non modifiable field contains the deprecation amount established during the financial year or the period for the second selected deprecation plan.

  • Recovery (field IMLRVE2)

This non modifiable field contains the deprecation recovery amount during the financial year or the period for the second selected deprecation plan.

  • Net value (field VALNET2)

This field, non modifiable, contains the asset net value at the end of a financial year or period in the 2nd amortisation plan selected.

  • Charge variance (field DEVDPE)

This non modifiable field contains the variance between the charges for the two chosen plans:
(Standard charge Plan 1 + Exceptional charge plan 1) - (Standard charge Plan 2 + Exceptional charge Plan 2).
If the first plan is the Financial plan and the second plan is the Accounting plan, the variance corresponds to the exceptional amount.

Block number 2



Presentation styles

In order to visually differentiate the two depreciation plans, different presentation styles are applied to the fields pertaining to each of the depreciation plans. By default, plan 1 values are displayed in blue while plan 2 values are in green.

The user can change the display characteristics for these fields, by personalizing the following presentation styles:

- SIMPLN1: Simulation plan 1
- SIMPLN2: Simulation plan 2

This personalization is performed either through the Presentation styles function or the Personalized styles function if the styles are specific to each user.

Similarly, the conditional style NBNEGATIF is applied to the Charge variance field: the charge variance between the two plans is displayed in red if negative and black if positive.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Specific Buttons

After selecting the depreciation plan(s) and potentially the situation (fiscal year or period), this button is used to calculate and load the grid of the asset depreciation simulation.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation