+ DPRPLN (Depreciation plan)
+ FIYENDDAT (Fiscal year end date)
+ PERENDDAT (Period end date)
Section | Description | Notes |
AASREF | Asset reference |
CPY | Company |
FCY | Financial site |
CNX: | Context |
DPRPLN | Depreciation plan |
FIYENDDAT | Fiscal year end date | Context issue |
FIYSTRDAT | Fiscal year start date | Context issue |
PERENDDAT | Period end date | Context issue |
PERSTRDAT | Period start date | Context issue |
RATCUR | Currency exchange rate |
UOM | Unit |
Section | Description | Notes |
BSEVAL | Initial balance sheet value |
DPRBAS | Revalued balance sheet value |
If the BSEVAL and DPRBAS values are different, the asset will be considered as revalued.
Section | Description | Notes |
STRDPRDAT | Depreciation start date | Date |
ENDDPRDAT | Depreciation end date | Date |
ENDDPRFLG | Forced depreciation write-off | RA Mode only |
DPRDUR | Depreciation duration | Duration |
RSDDUR | Residual duration | Duration |
DPM | Depreciation method | Method |
DPMI | Depreciation method - Initial tracking | Method |
DPMT | Depreciation tracking method - Theory tracking | Method |
DPRRAT | Depreciation rate | Rate |
DPRRAT2 | Depreciation rate 2 (Italian method) | Rate |
DPRRATFLG | Depreciation rate forcing flag | Rate |
ACLCOE | Acceleration coefficient | Acceleration coefficient |
PRATYP | Prorata | Day, Month… |
ALWAMT | FY specific rule amount | Specific rule |
ALWAMTFLG | FY specific rule amount forcing flag | Specific rule |
ALWCOD | Specific rule type | Specific rule |
ALWCUM | Fiscal help total | Specific rule |
ALWCUMFLG | Fiscal help total forcing flag | Specific rule |
PERQTY | Period OPE | UO |
PERQTYCUM | UO total FY closed periods | UO |
RSDQTY | UO residual duration period start | UO |
Section | Description | Notes |
DPRCUM | FY depreciation total | E-1 |
DPRCUMFLG | FY depreciation total forcing flag | E-1 |
PERCLOCUM | Closed periods per. amount total | P-1 |
PERENDDPE | Per.charge amount Current period | P |
PERDPEFLG | Period charge forcing flag | P |
ENDDPE | Fiscal year charge | E |
ENDDPEFLG | FY charge forcing flag | E |
NBV | Period end net value |
RSDVAL | Residual value |
EXCCUM | Total excep. amt. | Except. deprec. |
EXCDPR | FY exceptional depreciation | Except. deprec. |
PERCLOEXC | Except. closed period total amount | Except. deprec. |
PEREXCDPR | Current period exceptional deprec. | Except. deprec. |
PERREFCLC | Per. For calculation |
"Actual" depreciation amounts take into account the Revaluations and Depreciations.
Section | Description | Notes |
EXECLOCUMI | Ini. clos. FY total | E-1 |
PERCLOCUMI | Ini. clos. total | P-1 |
DPEI | Reev. and depre. excluded inti. charge | P |
ENDDPEI | FY charge | E |
NBVI | Net value deprec. excluded |
PEREXCDPRI | Per. except. depr. I | Except. deprec. |
EXCCUMI | Total excep. amt. I | Except. deprec. |
EXCDPRI | Exe except. amount I | Except. deprec. |
PERCLOEXCI | Total P-1 exc amt I | Except. deprec. |
PERREFCLCI | Per. for Calcul I |
"Initial" depreciation amounts do not take into accountRevaluations or Depreciations.
Section | Description | Notes |
EXECLOCUMT | Theo. clos. FY total | E-1 |
PERCLOCUMT | Theo. clos per total | P-1 |
DPET | Theo. charge deprec. excluded | P |
ENDDPET | Fiscal year charge T | E |
NBVT | Net value deprec. excl. |
EXCCUMT | Exc. E-1 Theo | Except. deprec. |
EXCDPRT | Amt except. exe T | Except. deprec. |
PERCLOEXCT | Exc amt P-1 total | Except. deprec. |
PEREXCDPRT | Per. except. depr. T | Except. deprec. |
PERREFCLCT | Per. for Calcul T |
"Theory" depreciation amounts take into accountRevaluations but do not take into account Depreciations.
Section | Description | Notes |
RVAAMT | Period revaluation amount | P |
RVACRB | Revaluation increase | P |
EXERVADEV | Reval closed FY tot | E-1 |
PERRVADEV | Reval per closed tot | P-1 |
PERRVACUM | P-1 total revaluation amount | P-1 |
RVACOE | Revaluation coefficient |
RVACOEREF | Table reference |
RVADAT | Revaluation date |
RVATIADAT | Reval. effectiveness |
RVATYP | Revaluation method |
Section | Description | Notes |
NSPVAL | Market value |
IML | P Period impairment loss | P |
IMLRVE | P Period impairment loss reversal | P |
IMLBLC | Period start depreciation balance |
IMLRVELIM | Impairment loss reversal limit | P |
IMLRVETRF | Recovery of Impairment loss in Exc amt | P |
PERIMLCUM | Impairment loss total P-1 | P-1 |
PERRVECUM | Impairment loss recover total P-1 | P-1 |
PERTRFCUM | Recover imp. loss to transfer in amt. exc. P-1 | P-1 |
EXEIMLCUM | Impairment loss total E-1 | E-1 |
EXERVECUM | Impairment loss recovery total E-1 | E-1 |
EXETRFCUM | Recover imp. loss to transfer in amt. exc. E-1 | E-1 |
IMLFLG | Forced P Period impairment loss |
IMLRVEFLG | Impairment loss forced recovery |
IMLTYP | Impairment loss type |
INTIMLTYP | Impairment loss intern reason |
EXTIMLTYP | Impairment loss extern reason |
Section | Description | Notes |
LEGCUM | Legal link total E-1 | E-1 |
PERLEGCUM | Legal link total P-1 | P-1 |
LEG | Legal link amount | P |
LEGRVECUM | C leg. link rec. E-1 | E-1 |
PERLEGRVE | C leg. link rec. P-1 | P-1 |
LEGRVE | Legal link recovery | P |
- On the depreciation plan Accounting (DPRPLN=1), these amounts are used for the Special depreciation (French legislation).
- On the depreciation plan Financial (DPRPLN=2), these amounts are used for the Fiscal reintegration (French legislation).
Section | Description | Notes |
DPEDEV | Charge to post |
EXCDEV | Exc. to post |
DERDEV | Special dep. to post | Special amount |
DERRVEDEV | Special dep. recovery to post | Special amount |
RVACRBDEV | Repr. Reval. recov. to post | Revaluation |
RVETRFDEV | Repr. imp. loss to transf. to post | Impairment loss |
FLGDEV | To post |
CADCRBDEV | Amortization picking to post | CCN activity code |
Amounts "To post" switch to "Posted" during the Accounting entries generation if, at the Context level, the Posting type is set to: Actual
If the Posting type is set to: Simulation, the amounts remain "To post".
Section | Description | Notes |
PSTDPE | Posted charges |
PSTEXC | Posted exc |
PSTDER | Posted special imp. loss | Special amount |
PSTDERRVE | Exceptional increase posted | Special amount |
PSTRVACRB | Rep. Posted reev. | Revaluation |
PSTRVETRF | Rec. Imp. loss to transfer posted | Impairment loss |
FLGPST | Posted |
PSTCADCRB | Amortization picking posted | CCN activity code |
Amounts "To post" switch to "Posted" during the Accounting entries generation if, at the Context level, the Posting type is set to: Actual
If the Posting type is set to: Simulation, the amounts remain "To post".
Section | Description | Notes |
CRBAMT | Reintegrated amount |
CRBCUM | Reintegrated total |
CRBCUMFLG | Forced reint tot. |
CRBVEHCOD | Vehicle reintegration limit type |
These amounts are used in the FAS2855 French fiscal statement.
Section | Description | Notes |
DFD | FY deferred finance depreciation |
DFDBLC | Deferred finance depre. balance start |
DFDLIM | FY defferable financial depre. |
DFDRVE | FY deferred fin. depr. rec. |
These amounts are update according to rules defined at the level of the Depreciation context.
Section | Description | Notes |
MTCDEVADJ | Method change variance compensation type |
MTCDPEDAT | Method change date |
MTCTIADAT | Method change effective date |
MTCTIATYP | Method change effectiveness |
MTCDPEDEVI | Amount variance because of method change | Initial |
MTCDPEDEV | Amount variance because of method change | Actual |
MTCDPEDEVT | Amount variance because of method change | Theoretical |
These amounts are updated during the (unitary or massive) action: Method change.
Section | Description | Notes |
DEPSTA | Closing detailed status | Closure |
LSTCLODAT | Closing date | Closure |
ETRPNT | Entry point | Specific calculation flag |
FLGMIG | Migrated | Migration |
FLGUPDISS | Modification | Issue |
APLDUR | Applied duration | Depreciation duration |
Section | Description | Notes |
P_1CADCRB | Amortization picking P-1 total |
PERCADCRB | Amortization picking |
TRFCADCUM | Amortization fund |
These amounts are updated when the CCN activity code is set to Yes.