It is possible to choose a type of graphical representation (line chart, circle chart, bar graph or area graph) to display the number of marketing returns.
It displays in a grid the number of marketing returns associated with a marketing operation or campaign.
Returns can be the following: Tasks, Calls, Appointments, Projects, Sales orders or Direct Invoices.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
|   |
Grid Returns
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| Date of the first return associated with a campaign or a marketing operation. |
| Date of the last return associated with a campaign or a marketing operation. |
| Number of returns associated with the campaign or the marketing operation. |
| Displays the amounts of the various returns (Tasks, Calls, Appointments, Projects, Sales orders or Direct Invoices). |
| Displays the currency used to express the amount of the various returns (Tasks, Calls, Appointments, Projects, Sales orders and Direct Invoices). |
Action icon
Access to the detail of a return by right click.