Refer to documentation Implementation
Using a single window, it is possible to identify or search for a BP or contact record based on the following information:
For a BP search, the following can be used:
It is possible to filter the BPs depending on their address by default.
For a BP search, the following can be used:
Each of these criteria can be used in an independent fashion.
From the Search results grid, it is possible by using the contextual menus to view the History or Customer base for the selected BP or Contact.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 4
BP search
| The following searches are possible: 1 / Search on the start of the company name. 2 / Search by each post code start. 3 / Search on each town/city name start. 4 / Accumulated search on each search field. The lower section of the screen displays the results of each search. A search is renewed at the time of each tabulation carried out on one of these criteria. |
| The following searches are possible: 1 / Search on the start of the company name. 2 / Search by each post code start. 3 / Search on each town/city name start. 4 / Accumulated search on each search field. The lower section of the screen displays the results of each search. |
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Contact search
| The following searches are possible: 1 / Search on each contact name start. 2 / Search on each contact first name start. 3 / Cumulated search on each contact name start and on each contact first name start. The lower section of the screen displays the results of each search. |
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| The search launched from this field is carried out in the three following sections:
This search is used to directly access the BP(s), without appealing to the intermediaries. Click right [Relations]At the tabular form level, in the case of contacts, the right click [Relations] is used, once a BP is identified, to display the totality of the BPs who appear in the "Relations" tab (see documentation Contacts).
The right click is used to keep a log file of the information that helped the user to find the contact. Look at the contacts list by clicking on the [search] button. |
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Grid Search result
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Action icon
This menu allows to open the Customer, Prospect, BP or Lead function.
This menu is used to open the selected BP customer record.
This menu is used to view the Prospect/customer history for the selected BP.
The window obtained is used to view all the activities for the selected BP. If no BP is referenced in the record during selection, this function returns nothing.
The actions carried out are sorted from the most recent to the oldest.
The actions to be carried out are sorted from the oldest to the most recent.
This menu is used to view the Contact history for the selected contact.
The window obtained is used to view all the activities for the contact in the record currently being selected. If no contact is referenced in the record being selected, this function returns nothing.
The actions carried out are sorted from the most recent to the oldest.
The actions to be carried out are sorted from the oldest to the most recent.
This menu is used to view the customer base for the BP selected as a result of the search. If the BP does not have a customer base, this function returns nothing, but it is then possible to enter a customer base for the BP.
It is possible to plan an appointment from the Identify function.
It is possible to plan a call from the Identify function.
It is possible to plan a task from the Identify function.
It is possible to save an appointment from the Identify function.
It is possible to save a call from the Identify function.
It is possible to save a task from the Identify function.
It is possible to save a Project from the Identify function.
It is possible to save a Service request from the Identify function.
It is possible to save a Warranty request from the Identify function.
It is possible to save a Service contract from the Identify function.