Stock > Utilities > Serial no. management change 

Use this function to change the management mode of serial numbers for a given product or product range, from the Issue & Receipt mode to the Global receipt & Issue mode.

With the Issue & Receipt management mode, the system considers the serial number as a differentiating criteria for the stock line: X serial numbers from a same lot / sublot / status / location are present on X stock lines.

With the Global receipt & Issue management mode, the system considers that the serial number is not a differentiating criteria for the stock line: A range of X serial numbers from a same lot / sublot / status / location is present on one single stock line and not on X stock lines.

This management mode is defined in the Products record. You cannot change this management mode from the Products record. You must use this utility to perform this change.
Once you have switched from the Issue & Receipt mode to the Global receipt & Issue mode, you cannot go back: once the processing has been completed, you cannot return to the Issue & Receipt mode on already processed products.

Screen management

Entry screen


  • Enter the product or product range to be processed.
  • Click OK.

At the end of the processing, the stock records are modified:

  • A new stock line is created for each range of serial numbers with the same characteristics: same lot / sublot / status / location. The serial number is no longer a differentiating criteria for the stock line: a range of X serial numbers of the same lot / sublot / status / location is present on one single stock line.
  • The original stock line is deleted.
  • Each serial number is associated with a stock sequence number linked to a stock line.
  • For each stock movement, the Serial number field is reset to zero and the Starting serial number and Ending serial number fields are loaded automatically.

At the end of the processing, a log file is displayed and details:

  • the processed products,
  • the new management mode.

You can view the processing results using the various stock inquiries available:

  • Serial numbers: this inquiry presents one line per serial number mentioning for each line the stock sequence number identifying the stock line to which the serial number is assigned.
  • Detailed stock: this inquiry presents one stock line per range of X serial numbers for the same lot / sublot / status / location. An option is available to display the list of serial numbers of the stock line.
  • Stock transactions: this inquiry presents the set of stock movements before processing. They are kept and have not been subject to any modification. When the management of serial numbers is Global receipt & Issue, the Serial number is blank but the Starting serial number and Ending serial number fields are entered. However, when the serial number management still uses the Issue & Receipt mode, the Serial number field is entered and the Starting serial number and Ending serial number fields are blank.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Product selection

Enter this field to select a product or a range of products. Specify the reference of the product corresponding to the selection start range.

Enter the ending product number for the selection. Product ranges are used to restrict the report to these products only.

Serial no. management

  • Former serial management (field OLDSERMGT)

When you click on this field, it automatically takes the value Issue & Receiptand cannot be modified.

  • New serial management (field NEWSERMGT)

When you click on this field, it automatically takes the value Global receipt & issue and cannot be modified




You cannot change the management mode for a product when it is subject to allocations.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation