Sales > Utilities > Sage Sales Tax initialization 

Use this function to synchronize the customer's entity/use code with those on open quotes, orders, shipments, service requests, and service contracts. This function should be run after the entity/use codes are updated on the ship-to customers.

All open invoices or credit memos must be posted prior to integrating Sage Sales Tax (SST) for the selected company. Therefore, it is not displayed as one of the options for open documents.

"SEEINFO" Run this function once during the Sage Sales Tax (SST) installation to initialize data in the documents and prevent overwriting the entity/use codes on open documents.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field ALLSOC)

Select this check box to synchronize the entity/use codes for open quotes, orders, shipments, service requests, and service contracts for all companies. Clear this check box if the entity/use codes will be synchronized for a selected company.

Enter the company to synchronize the entity/use codes for open quotes, orders, shipments, service requests, and service contracts.

  • All customers (field ALLCLIENT)

Select this check box to synchronize the entity/use codes for open quotes, orders, shipments, service requests, and service contracts for all customers. Clear this check box if the entity/use codes will be synchronized for a selected customer.

Enter the customer to synchronize the entity/use codes for open quotes, orders, shipments, service requests, and service contracts.

  • All quotes (field ALLSQH)

Select this check box when synchronizing the entity/use codes for all quotes.

  • All orders (field ALLSOH)

Select this check box when synchronizing the entity/use codes for all orders.

  • All shipments (field ALLSDH)

Select this check box when synchronizing the entity/use codes for all shipments.

  • All service requests (field ALLSRE)

Select this check box when synchronizing the entity/use codes for all service requests.

  • All service contracts (field ALLCON)

Select this check box when synchronizing the entity/use codes for all service contracts.


  • Simulation (field SIMUL)

Select this check box to create a trace file of the possible changes that will be made based on the selection criteria. Clear this check box to update the selected documents and synchronize the entity/use codes.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation