Declarations > Audit > Germany > GoBD interface 

Beginning with 1st January 2002, tax auditors of fiscal authorities in Germany have access to digitally stored records and can request for a copy of prepared statements in digital format. The GDPdU export function exports the whole bundle of information for tax audits.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

In the GDPdU export dialog window you can select the filter criteria for the company, the start and the end date and the export directory for your GDPdU data. In addition you can choose if you want to export additional historical open item data, fixed asset data and analytical accounting data. The financial accounting data must be exported.

SEEINFO You have to enter all the filter criteria and the export directory.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


This is the company code. The GDPdU function exports the data according to this filter setup.

  • Start date (field DATSTR)

This is the start date of the date range. The GDPdU function exports the data according to this filter setup.

  • End date (field DATEND)

This is the end date of the date range. The GDPdU function exports the data according to this filter setup.


  • General accounting (field FLGFINANCE)

If this checkbox is checked, GDPDU export will export accounting and open item data.

  • Historical data (field FLGHISTDAT)

If this checkbox is checked, GDPDU export will export historical open item data.

SEEINFO If you check the export will last much longer for there might be a lot of historical data to export.

  • Fixed assets (field FLGFA)

If this checkbox is checked, GDPDU export will export fixed assets data.

  • Analytical accounting (field FLGANACC)

This checkbox is checked by default and cannot be checked off. Analytical accounting data is the only mandatory information.


  • field TYPEXP


  • Export directory (field VOLEXP)




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation