Refer to documentation Implementation
The screen makes it possible to describe the various procedures which are assigned to a stage, a phase, a module and a rank. The standard procedures are identified by a checkbox. The information provided in the lower part of the screen is purely informative. It makes it possible to know, for documentary purposes, which tables in the data base are impacted by the migration procedure.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| This code identifies the current record in a unique way. |
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| This checkbox is used to activate or deactivate the migration procedure. A deactivated procedure will not be used during the migration processing. |
| When this box is checked, the procedure is a standard procedure: it is impossible to change the stage, the phase, the module. |
Running order
| The stage is the highest scheduling level of migration procedures. The stages are named via a local menu. These are the following:
| The phase is a number likely to vary from 1 to 9. It enables the strict scheduling of the migration procedures. The next phases cannot be launched as long as all the procedures of a phase are not completed. |
| Select a module for the setup. Use this field to specify if the screen has to be created in the folder database. This is the case when the module linked to the screen is active on the folder. |
| The rank represents a number likely to vary from 1 to 99. It provides a preferential order to launch a migration procedure in a phase and for a given module. This rank can be modified for the standard procedures. |
| This field, only displayed, is a global index calculated according to the stage, the phase, the module and the rank (in this order). This index defines the order in which the migration procedures are launched, knowing that parallezation is only possible on procedures located in the same stage and in the same phase, and that, in addition, launching a phase in a stage is impossible unless the preceding phases and stages have all been correctly completed. |
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Informative data
| The table described herein is the main table migrated by the procedure. |
| The tables described in this list are annex tables implemented by the migration procedure. This is an indicative list supplied for documentation purposes. |
| When this box is checked, the corresponding annex table is supposed to be updated by the migration procedure. This information is indicative and supplied for documentation purposes. |