Getting started 

The common sites

XTEND is supplied in standard mode with a template site (ATEMPLATE) and a sample site (ASAMPLE).

This site contains only the mandatory setups necessary for XTEND to run normally.
This site does not include any interface or HTML page.

The site ASAMPLE contains standard XTEND tokens and an HTML project with sample pages (welcome, about, login, contact, error....).

SEEINFO In order to verify that the X3 folder is configured correctly and that the XTEND applications will work normally, it is strongly advised to start by testing the functioning of the ASAMPLE site on the server.

The site ASHOP is a sample site supplied only with the product Sage X3 in the demonstration folder. This site displayed an online shop.

Implementing the ASAMPLE site

1. Verify that the Web service server responds normally

2. Verify that the files of the HTML project are present

3. Activate the links with the X3 server

4. Verify that the ASAMPLE site is published

      • Check 'Publish the site' in the site record

5. Validate the ASAMPLE site

Check 'detailed report', 'Verification' and check 'All elements'

6. Verify that there are no errors in the log file

7. Viewing the ASAMPLE site ( 2 solutions)

      • Solution no.1: Viewing the site via the X3 function
      • Solution no.2: In the Web browser enter following url:
        http://hostname:port/xtend/page?SITE=ASAMPLE&SOL=X3SOL&FLDR=X3FOLDER &PAG=AHOME&LANG=ENG ,
         after having replaced hostname:port, X3SOL and X3FOLDER with the valid values

Creation of a new site

SEEINFO I is strongly advised to always create a new site by copying an existing site in order to have all the standard 'tokens' necessary for XTEND to run.

In order to create a site, it is possible to start with:

  • the ASAMPLEsite to have the same functions in your site
  • or the ATEMPLATEsite, which contains the minimum required data to develop a new site
  • or the ASHOP site, which is an online shop sample supplied with the product Sage X3.


Open an X3 session on the folder in which to create the new XTEND site.

1. Select the ASAMPLE, ATEMPLATE or ASAMPLE site ascurrent site

2. Duplicate the site ASAMPLE, ATEMPLATE or ASHOP to the site MYSITE

      • Check Setups
      • Check design.html when starting with the ASAMPLE or ASHOP site
      • This function creates the new MYSITE site

3. Select the MYSITE site as current site

4. Validate the MYSITE site

      • Check 'Detailed report', 'Verification' and 'All elements'

5. Verify that there are no errors in the log file

      • If an error occurs, validate all interfaces manually

6. Verify that the url below displays the welcome page

      • http://hostname:port/xtend/SOL=X3SOL&FLDR=X3FOLDER&SITE=MYSITE&LANG=FRA
      • Replace hostname:port, X3SOL and X3FOLDER with valid values

HTML project creation

The HTML project (pages, pictures, csv, javascripts...) of the MYSITE site was created if the ASAMPLE site was selected and if 'Design HTML' was checked upon copy. It is located on the X3 server.

Although it is possible to work directly on remote HTML pages (X3 server) in FTP mode with Dreamweaver or with a text editor, it is strongly advised to work on a local copy and then to update the server by FTP transfer

Creation of a local copy

1. Create a local directory for your XTEND HTML projects

2. Create a sub-directory 'MYSITE\ENG'
    'MYSITE' is the code for the new site and 'ENG' is the language code

3. Download the content of the MYSITE HTML project from the X3 server to this directory.

Caution: do not forget to upload the modified files to the X3 server for them to be taken into account by the Web browser.