Setup > Fixed assets > Update coefficient 

This function is used within the concession management in Renewal mode.
It can be accessed only if the CCN – Concessions activity code is activate.

It is used to enter, at company and*or folder level, one or several update coefficients, each identified by a code.
This code is entered upon creation of an asset managed in concession and determines the coefficient applied to the asset value (depreciation basis of the plan managing the industrial depreciation) in order to calculate its renewal value.
This coefficient is applied on each of the fiscal years unless the renewal value is forced.
When this value is modified, the Provision to calculate flag is modified for all the assets referring to this code.

Usage example of an update coefficient
An asset is created in 2007 with an initial basis equal to 10,000. The coefficient is 1.02
Product longevity: 4 years

 Fiscal year


Initial value






10,000 * 1.02 





10,200 * 1.02 





10,404 * 1.02 





10,612.08 * 1.02  


In 2008, the coefficient is equal to 1.03 and the renewal value is forced to 10,500.

Fiscal year 


Initial value






 10,000 * 1.02 










 10,500 * 1.03





 10,815 * 1.03



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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Only the code of a company of which the Accounting & financialcontext setup authorizes the management of the concessions in Renewalmode can be entered.

  • Code (field CCNACTCOD)

Revision coefficient code. This information is mandatory.
This code can be defined either By default, that is to say that it can be used by all companies, either for one company in particular. When a same code is defined both by default and for a company, the coefficient preferredly applied in the calculation of the renewal value is the coefficient associated with the code defined for the company.
The deletion of a code is authorized only if this code is not used by any asset.

  • Description (field DES1)

This field is used to enter the setup description.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

This flag is used to activate or deactivate the update code.. When a code is not active, it is not displayed in the lists of update codes and not considered as valid upon entry.



Tab Main


The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Update coef. (field CCNACTCOE)

The revision coefficient must be entered. Its value must not be equal to 0.
The modification of the value entered activates the indicator Provisions to calculate on the fixed assets carrying this coefficient code.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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