Setup > Configurator > Shapes and patterns 

A shape & pattern is used to generate the "sub-windows" for specific entry as a function of a given response to a question. For each shape & pattern it is possible to associate specific calculations.

Via the shapes & patterns, it is also possible to define the question windows alone, where calculating variables is impossible.


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Screen management


Entry screen


Group: Group code using 2 characters and a tile over 30 character. A group can contain several shapes & patterns.

For instance:

Group: MI (mirrors)

Shape REC (rectangles)
Shape RON (rounded)
Shape CAR (squared)

Shape/Pattern: The Shape/Pattern code with 3 characters and a title over 30 characters.

Image: it is possible to attach an image file in "jpg" format to this field. The image is displayed when the chosen shape & pattern opens during the execution of a script. See the help on the Image help in the symbols setup.

Questions grid: entered here is the list of questions to be posed, questions that must have been previously created as symbols. It is possible to set conditions on these questions.

Variables grid: entered here is the list of variables to be calculated, variable that must have previously been created as symbols. A calculation expression (maximum 250 characters) are associated with each variable. It is possible to access the formula editor via the right button.

Questions window: when the principal question entry window for a script is not sufficient (maximum of 36 questions) or to create a homogenous group of questions, it is possible to set up additional question windows via a shape & pattern where the tick box "Questions window" (a shape & form by group in this case) is ticked. In such a window it is not possible to set up variable calculations.

Shapes & patterns "empty": It is possible to create a shape and pattern without a question in order to process the case "no choice". If variable calculations are set up, they are executed.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Family (field SHACAT)

Enter the code of the shapes/templates groups (2 characters max)
A group is composed of several shapes/templates

Group: MI (mirrors) Shape REC (rectangles)
Shape RON (rounded)
Shape CAR (squared)

  • field SHACATAXX


  • Questions window (field SHATYP)

Tick if this shape/template is used as a questions entry additional box.

No answer will be requested and this box will open automatically.

In that case, it is impossible to define calculation formulas.

  • Shape/pattern para (field SHANUM)

Enter the code of the shapes/templates groups (3 characters max)
A shape/template belongs to a group
Group: MI (mirrors) Shape REC (rectangles)
Shape RON (rounded)
Shape CAR (squared)

  • field SHANUMAXX



  • field CSHPIC

Enter the code of the shapes/templates groups (2 characters max)
A group is composed of several shapes/templates

Group: MI (mirrors) Shape REC (rectangles)
Shape RON (rounded)
Shape CAR (squared)

Grid Dimensions / parameters

Enter the code of the question to be asked when selecting the shape or template.
A maximum of 15 parent products can be selected.

  • Condition (field SYMCND)

Enter, select or build an Adonix format expression using the formula editor.
- The entry is mandatory for the "message" actions and entry point.
- In the other cases, when no expression is displayed, a calculation will be mandatory.
- A warning message is displayed if reference is made to tables not generally used by the configurator or to unknown variables.

Grid Calculations

Enter the variable code that needs to be calculated at the end of the responses entry.

  • Expression (field VARFOR)

Enter, select or build an Adonix format calculation expression using the formula editor.
A warning message is displayed if reference is made to tables not generally used by the configurator or to unknown variables.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar

Used to access the configurator symbols.

This is used to validate the shape and pattern.

This is used to display the "sub-windows" generated.

This is used to copy a shape and pattern to another folder. This is a "complete" copy because in addition to the selection the following are copied:

 the questions absent from the destination folder

 the variables absent from the destination folder.

During the copy to another folder, a prior control is carried out on the symbols (questions and variables). If these do not have the same characteristics (alphanumeric, numeric or date) in both folders, the copy will not be carried out. The anomalies can be identified in the log file displayed during the copy. If at least one error is found in the log file, the copy is not carried out.

After the copy, the shape and pattern must be revalidated in the destination folder. Similarly, if there has been symbol creation, they must be regenerated by the symbol management in order to be taken into account by the processings generated by the destination folder.

An automatic generation of the configurator processings is started in the case of shape & pattern modification. Thanks to the "generation" button, it is also possible to start this generation manually.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Several questions are assigned to a single line in the same section!

This message appears on the validation of the shape and pattern if several questions are assigned to the single line in the same section.  

Deletion of procedure prohibited because present in a script !

This message appears if the shape and pattern is used in a script or a selection window.

The definition of a symbol is mandatory!

A shape and pattern must contain at least one symbol of the question or variable type.

Tables used

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