Refer to documentation Implementation
This screen is used to enter the information regarding the declaration number, company and date range.
A number is assigned at the end of the creation.
The selected company must be a juridic one. The VAT declarations must be related always to a single company.
Only the entry journals within this date range will be triggered.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| This number is automatically assigned upon each creation possible after the input of the declaration period and the company. |
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| Enter the company code or use the Look up tool to search for and select the code. |
| Date from which the records are selected. |
| Enter the end date to filter for data within a date range. |
This section is used to define generic data regarding the declaration. At this level the user is able to define the scope of the information he wants to generate as well the one he wants to export to the file.
The user must define the context of the company operations by detailing the main office as where other offices if they exist and located in a different region.
The user must define the year and the period (month or quarter) that will be extracted.
The user must define if the current record is the first declaration, the last declaration of the period extracted or if it is supposed to replace an existing one.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Tax region
| It is the location where the headquarters of the company are settled. |
| It is the location where in the islands (Madeira or Azores) there is a site financial site. If the company has a site located in one of the islands, it must be indicated in wich island. If there is a site in both islands, the second fiscal area should be also used. If it's not the case the "Not aplicable" choice should be aplied. |
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| Select this check box to indicate that this is the first period declaration for the company. Leave it blank to indicate a replacement declaration. |
| Select Yes the change the currently declaration from quarterly to monthly. Select No to continue with the quarterly declaration. By default, Unspecified is selected, which means that there is no change to the current declaration periodicity. |
| Select this check box to indicate that the periodicity has changed from quarterly to monthly for this replacement declaration. |
| This field indicates whether the replacement declaration amount is different from the original declaration. This field only displays for replacement declarations. |
| This field indicates that there were no movements during the selected period. |
| This field indicates that changes other than periodicity or operations exist for the declaration. |
This tab is used to display the values that were calculated by the button .
This tab will display by VAT number the amounts sold for each european customer divided by type of service.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid Recapitulative - customers
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This button will generate all the data according to the period, company and parameters pre-defined in VAT Parameters The research of values is made as follows: 1/ For society and entered period; 2/ All the documents issue to customers based in european countries different from Portugal where the type of sell is a service. |