Declarations > Tax management > Others > Setup > EC sales types 

Use this function to define the values for the different sales types that are required in the EC sales list and to associate an export script and assign a unique code. The Export script uses the alphanumeric Export code for each Type in the Types grid to build and sort the export file.

For Irish legislation and VAT Information System (VIES) compliance, the ESLEXPIRL export script is available.

Process description

  • The ESL activity code must be active.
  • After defining the set of values for sales types used by the invoicing company for the selected export script, you need to assign the list of tax codes in the Assignment by EC Sales types function that are used when extracting the list.
  • The last step is to extract the list in the EC Sales list function. In this function you can print the ESLLIST - EC sales list control report and export the file you will use to submit to your local tax authority.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Code (field ESLCOD)

Enter a unique code to define a set of EC sales types.

  • Description (field ESLDESTRA)

Enter a description for the EC sales code.

  • Export script (field EXPSCP)

The ESLEXPDAN export script for Danish legislation is delivered with the presettings. It is compliant with Danish legislation and should not be modified.

For other legislations, you can rename and modify this script or create a new one.

For Irish legislation, the ESLEXPIRL export script is available. This script is compliant with Irish requirements.

  • Validity start date (field VLYSTRDAT)

You can define a validity period for the export code.

  • Validity end date (field VLYENDDAT)


  • Active (field ENAFLG)

This check box needs to be selected to use this export code for assigning sales types and exporting the EC sales list.



Tab number 1


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Types

  • Type (field SALTYPCOD)

Enter an existing export code.

  • Export code (field EXPCOD)

Enter an existing export code.

  • Description (field DESTRA)

Enter a description.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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