Inheritance update principleUse the Update inheritance action to apply the skills and skill levels defined at a particular level to the lower levels. An update takes place when you create, modify or delete a skill or the data linked to this skill, such as the level of skill or the weighing. LevelsThe levels are the following: - Folder
- Group
- Profession
- Standard job
- Position
Sequence of processingsIf you start the Update inheritance action from the folder level, the sequence of processings is the following: 1. Update of skills at folder level (GESGCP1) 2. Update of skills at sector level (GESGCP2) 3. Update of skills at branch level (GESGCP3) 4. Update of skills at standard job level (GESJOT) If you start the Update inheritance action from the sector level, the sequence of processings is the following: 1. Update of skills at sector level 2. Update of skills at branch level 3. Update of skills at job level If you start the Update inheritance action from the branch level, the sequence of processings is the following: 1. Update of skills at branch level 2. Update of skills at standard job level Update principle in case of skill creation1. For example, you create a skill at folder level (GESGCP1). 2. You click Update inheritance from the folder: this skill is created on all the lower levels (sector, branch, standard job, position). Update principle in case of skill modification1. For example, you modify a skill at folder level (GESGCP1). 2. You click Update inheritance from the folder: if this skill belongs to all the lower levels (sector, branch, standard job, position), and the inheritance of this skill is Folder, the skill is updated for all the levels. Update principle in case of skill deletion
1. For example, you delete a skill at folder level (GESGCP1). 2. You click Update inheritance from the folder: if this skill belongs to all the lower levels (sector, branch, standard job, position), and the inheritance of this skill is Folder, the same skill is removed from all the lower levels, provided it has not been modified from one of these levels (when a skill is directly modified on a lower level, the inheritance switches to Manuel and the skill cannot inherit any update). Inheritance typesInheritance types and update behaviors are the following depending on the inheritance: Folder If the inheritance of a skill line is Folder, the skill line inherits the updates performed at folder level. Sector If the inheritance of a skill line is Sector, the skill line inherits the updates performed at sector level. Branch If the inheritance of a skill line is Branch, the skill line inherits the updates performed at branch level. Standard job If the inheritance of a skill line is Standard job, the skill line inherits the updates performed at standard job level. Manual Manual inheritance means that the skill line has been created or modified for a specific level (the data relating to this skill line does not originate from a higher level). If the inheritance of a skill line is Manual, the skill line is not updated. Group of skills The Skill set inheritance means that the skill has been defined in the Skill set tab. The data of the skill line in the Skill list tab originate from the Skill set tab. If the inheritance of a skill is Skill group, the skill line inherits the updates performed at a higher level. Inheritance update principle between a standard job and the positions linked to this standard job
In positions (GESPOT), the inheritance of skills originating from the standard job is Standard job, either for skills entered manually or for skills originating from skill groups defined in the standard job (GESJOT). When you click Inheritance update from the standard job, the skill lines are updated for the positions linked to this standard job if the inheritance is Standard job: the skill lines contained in the position inherit the updates performed at standard job level. For example, skills deleted from the standard job are deleted from the positions if the Inheritance column of the position has the value Standard job. On the other hand, if a skill line is created or directly modified for the position, the inheritance of this skill line is Manual (the value of the Inheritance column is Manual): the skills having a Manual inheritance can never inherit an update performed at higher level. Inheritance update principle between a standard job and the positions not linked to this standard jobFor positions not linked to a standard job, the only possible inheritances in the Inheritance column are Manual or Skill group. If another value (Folder, Sector, Branch, Standard job) is entered in the Inheritance column, it means that the position was previously linked to a standard job but the link has been removed. No update is possible if the position is not linked to a standard job. Exception for skill groups
Concerning the positions and more specifically those skills originating from a group of skills defined in the standard job, the value of the Inheritance column is Standard job, not Skill group. Initialization of skills on creation of a standard job or positionThe selected skills and skill levels are by order of priority: those of the standard job, those of the branch, those of the sector, those of the folder, and lastly the skills and skill groups levels when they do not exist already. Initialization of the skills in the position on modifying the standard job or a group of skills- The skills with a Manual inheritance are retained, the others are deleted.
- An order of priority is applied: are retained the skills and skill levels defined in the standard job, the branch, the sector, the folder and lastly those of the group of skills.
Initialization of the skills in the standard job on modifying the profession or a group of skills- The skills with a Manual inheritance are retained, the others are deleted.
- An order of priority is applied: are retained the skills and skill levels defined in the standard job, the branch, the sector, the folder and lastly those of the group of skills.
On creation or update, the skills originating from the skill groups are never given priority over the skills and skill levels defined at a higher level.