Sales > Price lists > Price update definition 

Use this function to set up the price list update rules to be applied to already existing price list records. The modifications likely to be introduced are numerous and they mainly depend on the settings described below: There are three main types of price list updates.

  • Modify existing records
  • Copy records and then modify (allows for overlapping validity dates to be taken into consideration)
  • Change currency

Within this function, you can modify or copy existing price lists. To create a new line, you need to use the  Price list entry function (GESSPL).

The price list update is subdivided into two phases:

  • Define the type of process to be used. For example: a currency change, modify the amount in the customer discount column, etc.
  • Define the application rules for this proces based on predefined conditions.

The general setup is carried out in the first screen. The application details (criteria) are defined at the level of the price list update definition lines, accessible via the Lines button.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

You can define as many price list update processess as necessary. For that reason each process must be identified by a revision code of 7 alphanumerical characters.

Entry screen


It is possible to define as many price list update processings as necessary. For that reason each processing must be identified by a revision code of 7 alphanumerical characters.

In order to avoid the excessive use of one specific processing, an access code can be assigned to each processing (see the documentation on Access codes).

The "Selection" block is used to select the price lists that will be concerned by the update processing.

Price list code

A price list code (see the documentation on Price list codes) MUST be entered. In effect the revision can only be parameterized for a set of price lists assigning the same price list conditions. A price list code is thus selected that defines the amount, the discounts and charges dealt with by the resulting price list records.

Price list records

The update processing will then be activated for the whole price list records defined under this code, except if ranges have been activated for these records.

Validity and modification possibilities

The validity date stipulated in this field matches the validity date of the price list records. In this way, only those records whose validity ranges contain the date stipulated in the selection will be dealt with.

The user can also decide, by checking the "Modifiable selection" option, that the selection on the price list records and their validity date will be accessible upon launching the update processing. Conversely, this information is frozen.

The "Processing" block is used to define the general processing type that will be executed during price list revision. Three general processing types will be submitted, implying a particular parameterization.

The first processing, "Record modification", is used to modify the whole price list records, or only a selection, that exist at the level of the price, discounts and charges dealt with in these recods. This function can be used, for instance, in case of a general or partial change in a price list policy.

The first processing, "Record copy" provides the same processing possibilities as the first one, except for the fact that the records of origin cannot be modified. They are copied and modifications can possibly be introduced to the copied records. The parameterization is identical to that of the first one. For instance, this function can be used in the case of the creation of price list records for new customers on the basis of already existing records.

The third processing, "Currency modification", is used to modify the display currency for all the price list records of only for a selection. The amounts present on the processed price list record are translated into a new currency. It is also possible to parameterize modifications on the price, discount and/or charges linked to the price list records (same parameterization as for the "Record modification" processing).

This type of processing can be used for instance:

  • during the EURO transfer, when all the transactions for each BP, and each product, are valued in Euro.

  • Upon creation of the pice list records for the foreign subsidiary of a customer managed in a currency other than the Euro, should the same price list policyas the parent company be applied to said subsidiary (first the price list records applied to the non Euro customer will be copied, then the currency dedicated to the subsidiary will be modified).

Depending on the requested type of processing, the dedicated area in the "Processing" section must be assigned.

The parameterization terms for each of these processings are explained hereafter. It is important to note that it is possible to enter new validity ranges for those records generated or modified by the processing. These dates can only be modified upon launching the processing if the "modifiable date" flag has been activated.

Record modification and Record copy

For a processing code parameterized with "Record modification" or "Record copy", most of the information entered for the processing to be executed is specified at line parameterization level (Lines button). The parameterization of the lines is dealt with in a paragraph further on.

Currency change

For a processing code parameterized with "Currency change", it is necessary to assign the "Currency change" section where the following elements will be mentioned:

  • the former currency in which the amounts of the price list record were expressed.

  • The new currency into which they should be converted.

  • The exchange rate that will be used forthe conversion (see the documentation on the Currency exchange rates).

If additional modifications of the information on the price list record need to be parameterized, the same parameterization as for the "Record modification" or "Record copy" will also be used.


The "Processing variables" section is used to define a set of variables that will be used upon creation of the application conditions and/or the modifications to be made at price, discount and charge level. The variables are thus used when parameterizing the price list update line(s) (Lines button).

Any kind of variable can be defined.

For example:

  • a "PRODUCT" variable that could take any product code value. It would then be possible to specify an application condition of the pice list update with resepct to this variable.

  • a "DISCOUNT1" variable that could take any numerical value. It would then be possible to specify this variable as the value to be used when updating this discount.

These variables present the advantage of being displayed when the update processing is launched. It is then possible to modify the default value of these variables before launching a price list update. Conversely, if the definition of a condition is "hard-coded", or a fixed amount has been entered as price list update, it will not be possible to use it off the limits defined in the line parameterization.

The variable table is sub-divided into five columns:

  • Variable
    A Variable code is defined in this field over 10 alpha-numerical characters. This is the code that will be used when elaborating the condition formulas for the price list application or modification.

  • Title
    A title can be entered to easily identify the defined variable.

  • Type
    The variable type is used to define the nature of said variable (see documentation Data type). For instance, for the "PRODUCT" variable, an ITM type (product reference) will be defined; for the "DISCOUNT1" variable, a DCB type (Decimal).

  • Default value
    A default value can be stipulated to document this variable. Thus, upon launching the price list update processing, this value will be displayed. It remains modifiable.

For instance:

  •  For the " PRODUCT" variable, the TOY value will be given.

  • For the "DISCOUNT1" variable, the 10% value will be given.

Upon launching the processing, if these values are not modified, only the discounts applied to the sales operations of the TOY product will be initialized to 10%.

  • Control table
    It is possible to assign a control table to the various variables (refer to the Control Table documentation). The entry of certain values can thus be prohibited.

Parameterization of the price list update lines

The line parameterization screen is subdivided into two parts:

  • the parameterization header, with the line number, the title, the update application conditions.

  • The updating table for the elements processed by the price list records (price, discount and charges, defined by the price list code).

As many update lines will be created as there are particular conditions for the application of the processing.

For instance: In the case of a price list update of type "Record modification"

For the moment, a common price list policy is applied to our 4 customers. The price list defines the price of the product at € 100 with a 10% discount.

The common price list policy needs to be revised. For customers 1 and 2, the major ones, what is aimed at is a price list defining the price of the product at € 90 with an 11% discount. For customers 3 and 4, occasional ones, what is aimed at is a price list defining the price of the product at € 110 with a 9% discount.

In order to manage this scenario, two price list update lines will need to be parameterized:

  • Line 1: With a line header condition defining that only customers 1 and 2 are concerned. The new price and the new discount revised downwards will be specified in the table.

  • Line 2: With a line header condition defining that only customers 3 and 4 are concerned. The new price and the new discount revised upwards will be specified in the table.

As a consequence, the parameterization of these price list updates requires the creation of at least one line.

In order to create a line, it is necessary to specify:

  • Line number
    It is necessarily a number ranging from 1 to 99999999.

  • Line title
    It is a title enabling the involved line to be quickly identified. This title is free.

  • Condition
    It is also possible to parameterize a condition used to limit the application of the processing. This condition used the Adonix vocabulary. it can be built from:

The value of the fields present in the table of the various identifiers of the price list code. For instance: For a price list code whose identifier is the Product/Customer pair, it is possible to limit the application of the update to a specific product code ([F:ITM]ITMREF= "XXX") and/or to all the customers belonging to a given statistical range ([F:BPC]TSCCOD= "XXX").

The variables predefined in the parameterization header of the price list update.

Deletion or Modification of the price list record data

Two options are available concerning the price list processings (for the selection if parameterized).

  • The deletion of the price list conditions, i.e. the various elements processed by the price list code.

  • The modification of the values.

The deletion is activated via the dedicated flag. To modify values, the update table is documented. This table contains five columns:

  • Title
    The titles of the lines in this table are automatically initialized based on the information entered at the level of the price list code, which is common to all the price list records processed by the price list update. A line is created for each discount, charge and price (if the price list code specifies that the price is documented by the price list).

  • Modification type
    Several modifications can be parameterized:

    • Not modified: the price list column will not be concerned by the processing.

    • Variation in %: Application of a percentage to the value of the field of the Price or Discount or Charge column.

    • Variation in amount: Addition or substraction of a fixed value to/from the field value.

    • Assignment: the price list column will be initialized to a value defined by the price list update. If the column is already documented by an existing price list record, the processing will overwrite this value with the new one.

  • Formula or constant
    This field is used to define the value that will be used for the rate or the amount during the update.
    The value can be defined by a constant (a "hard-coded" number) or by the variables of the processing, that were previously explained.
    If the rate or amount to be applied is decreasing, the constant or the formula must be preceded by a negative sign.

  • Rounding & Rounding type
    The recalculation of the price list conditions can lead to results with too many decimals. It is possible to set a rule that will define the rounding type that should be applied to the result (to the nearest, down or up).
    The rounding type makes it possible to decide on the number of decimals requested for the rounding. Thus, it will be 1 for a rounding to the unit, 0.1 for a rounding to a decimal, 0.01 for a rounding to two decimals, etc.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Review code (field COD)

Code used to identify the price list revision.

A revision code identifies a setup giving access to the rules that modify the price lines for price lists and discounts.

To parametrize a revision code, a type, a price list and the price list records (of the specific price list) are defined, as well as tha calculation rules to be applied to the price and discount data.

Once the setup is specified, the user can access an execution screen in which the user can give the selection of records for revision and values for the variables that have been defined in the calculation formulas.

For instance: The record xxxxxx calid from 01/01/99 to 03/31/99 must be duplicated in order to create a valid price list record from 04/01/99 to 06/30/99.

for lines of the Product group (from the product record) that correspond to the selection, the basic price has increased by 2% and the Discount has increased from 1.5% to 7%.

for lines in FRF currency, the prices are rounded to the inferior franc.

  • field DESAXX


Access code used to restict access to data for certain users. If this field is assigned, only users with this access code in their profile can use this price revision.


Code used to identify the price list rule. A price list code identifies a setup giving access to the rules that determine the price, discounts or other elements linked to the price lists.

In order to set up a price list code, it is necessary to define its type, the list of fields used to specify when a price list line can be applied, and the list of fields assigned by the line. Once this has been set up, the user can access the price list line entry screens. In these screens, the user can enter both the criteria values and the corresponding values.

For example: Definition of two discounts by Product group-Customer code combination. The Product group (from the product record) and Customer code (from the customer record) fields are considered as criteria for the setup. The Discount1 and Discount2 fields display the values assigned by the price list rule. In this case, the price list line entry screen contains a total of four columns.

  • Modifiable selection (field UPDCRDFLG)

When launching the revision, only the price list records matching the selection criteria by number or validity are considered.
If this indicator is set to yes, the data in the start record, end record and validity date can be modified upon launch.
If it is set to no, the selection criteria defined in the setups are used.

  • From record (field PLISTRCRD)

Record number that allows the record to be identified in a unique way. This number is automatically generated or entered upon each creation of a price list record following the sequence number counter parameterization defined for the Sales price list records.

  • To record (field PLIENDCRD)


  • Valid on (field VLYDAT)

In order for the record to be processed, it must be valid at this date.


  • Processing type (field TYP)

A revision can be of three types:

  • Record duplication:
    A new record is created taking an existing record. If the validity dates of the source record overlap, the dates of this record are automatically updated.
  • Modification of a record:
    New validity dates can be entered, otherwise, the former ones are kept.
  • Currency change:
    A new record is created containing only the lines of the converted currency.

  • Modifiable date (field UPDDATFLG)

If this indicator is set to yes, the start and end dates of the new records (or of the modified records) can be modified upon launch.
If it is set to no, the dates defined in the setups are used.

  • Validity start date (field PLISTRDAT)

Validity start date of the record under update.
To modify a record, if this date is not entered, the one from the record is kept.
For a change of currency, if this date is not entered, the new record keeps the validity start date of the original record.

  • Validity end date (field PLIENDDAT)

Validity end date of the record under update.
To modify a record, if this date is not entered, the one from the record is kept.
For a change of currency, if this date is not entered, the new record keeps the validity end date of the original record.

Grid Linked tables

No help linked to this field.

  • Link expression (field EXPLNK)

An expression is a calculation formula defined in an algebraic language.

They can contain :

  • numeric constants, for example 3.1415926
  • character string constants, for example "HELLO"
  • date constants, for example [15/03/1966]
  • operators, such as the algebraic operators + - / * or the comparison operators < > <= >= = <>
  • functions such as min,max,sum,sqr...
  • variables designated by their name, for example MAVARIA
  • fields extracted from tables, for example [F:BPC]BPCNAM
  • an unlimited number of brackets

The entry of an expression can be facilitated thanks to the buttons that are used to call the different functions available, or to recover the fields in the tables by a search of the data dictionary. An expression can give a result in the form of a character string, numeric results, a date or logical value (true if the result is not blank, false if the result is blank). The expression type expected depends on the place where the formula is entered.

Currency change

Data that can be accesssed only if there is a change of currency.
All the lines of the record that have this currency code are retrieved in the new record



Data that can be accesssed only if there is a change of currency.
In the record, the price list, discounts or expenses data are converted in this new currency.

  • Rate type (field CHGTYP)

This field is controlled by local menu and can take the following values: current exchange rate/monthly exchange rate/average exchange rate.

The exchange rate type proposed by default is the exchange rate type associated with the supplier entered in the order header. As long as the order has not been created, it can be modified except when a line with a cost structure has already been entered.

An exchange rate type is used to determine the currency exchange rate in the exchange rate table taking into account the order date. This information is used to determine the prices and discounts on the basis of the price lists authorizing the conversion between currencies.

If order lines have been entered, or during the copy of an order, a question will be posed to the user about whether to re-calculate the prices and discounts depending on the price lists. If the user decides not to apply the price lists, the prices and discounts will be simply converted into the new currency at the rate determined by the exchange rate type and the order date.

If the currency is equal to the company currency, the exchange rate type will not be accessible since it will have no influence in this context.

Grid Processing variables

  • Variable (field VARCOD)

Name attributed to the variable to be used in the calculation and selection formulas.

  • Description (field VARDESAXX)


Type of data for the variable.

  • Default value (field VARDEF)

Default value for the variable. This value can be modified when launching the revision.

This code identifies a control table used to carry out validity controls on the data.

In certain setup operations (for example in the definition of Accounting entry structures , quality control questionnaires), there might be a requirement to carryout particular controls on entered data.

The use of a control table makes it possible to carryout:

  • existence controls in a table or in a list,
  • prohibition controls in a list or between two limits.



Action icon

Price Criteria
Price Criteria




Specific Buttons

The Lines button provides access to the parameterization screen of the price list update lines.

The Execute button is used to directly launch the update processing without resorting to the dedicated function (refer to documentation Price list update).

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Use this field to define the folder from which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

Use this option to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table of the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Use this field to define the folder to which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.


This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation