Setup > Stock > Entry transactions > Quality control 

This function is used to manage the setup for the personalization of the quality control management screens.

At least one standard transaction for quality control is delivered with the installation of the software. It can either be modified or deleted with this function, which can also be used to create new ones.

It is possible to set up several different transactions for quality control. Each transaction identified by a code and a description appears in a selection window when calling the Quality Control function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The setup of the quality control transactions is composed of a header for the transaction code, possibly an access code for the transaction, and an inactive/active status.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Quality control transaction

  • Transaction (field SRTNUM)

Code used to identify the transaction set up.

The setup of the entry transactions enables the user to fully set up the entry screens associated with a document (quote, invoice order, request for quotes etc.) or with a stock transaction type (receipt, issue etc.).

For each document or stock transaction type, it is possible to define as many entry transactions as necessary, each one being identified by a code.

Each transaction is used to define, both for fields located on the document header and fields entered in the lines, whether they must be:

  • Entered
  • Only displayed
  • Or hidden

Upon validation of this setup, dedicated entry screens are created, and then can be used by any user having been granted rights on the access code defined on this setup header.

  • If a given user has the right to use several transactions of a given type, the choice is presented to the user when entering the function.
  • If the user is only authorized one transaction, this transaction is automatically taken into account when entering the function.
  • Description (field DESAXX)

Transaction description.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Use this field to activate or deactivate a transaction.
Inactive transactions are not displayed in the transaction selection window.

This access code is used to restrict access to data by user or group of users.
If this field is entered, only users with this access code in their profile can use this transaction.
If several transactions are available, you can choose the transaction you want to use to open the function. If only one transaction is available, there is no selection to be made: the default entry screen opens directly.




Tab Set-up


This tab is used to:

  • specify:

    - certain parameters for the display of the analysis requests,
    - the parameters for the print of the documents and labels associated with an analysis request,
  • authorize the entry of certain pieces of information, such as:

    - the packaging unit, in order to enable the unpacking/repacking in the case of a quality control,
    - the stock movement to another location or another warehouse.

Finally, the management of the authorizations linked to the quality control function (Q option) is used to prevent the record of a quality control by a user, giving him or her access to the quality record only, in order to clearly dissociate the quality control (entry of the answers to the questions of the technical sheet) from its validation (status change).




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Control end date (field STQDATCOD)


  • Stock movement group (field TRSFAMCOD)

The Movement group is a statistical piece of information recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt movements. This movement group is contained in the miscellaneous table no. 9.
The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can be viewed and/or modified depending on the transaction setup.

Use this parameter to define if the movement group code must be:

  • Hidden:
    The field does not appear on the entry screen but the default value is assigned to it.
  • Displayed:
    The default value is allocated to the field and displayed but the value cannot be modified.
  • Entered:
    The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified.

This parameter is used to define, for this transaction, a default transaction group code.


If the associated document check box is selected, enter the report code for the standard printed document.

  • Auto print (field DOCFLG)

Select this check box to automatically launch the printing of the document on entry completion.

The automatic printing only takes place in creation mode.


This setup is used to define for this entry transaction a movement code used to specify rules for a specific type of movements.
These codes must be created in the miscellaneous table number 14.

For instance, with a dedicated transaction assigned to expert users, it is possible to authorize stock receipts of goods in status A for these users, but to allow it in status Q for the other users. Of course, this will only be possible for product categories authorizing this type of receipt rules and which are assigned such a movement code (see Product category).


  • Serial number (field SERCOD)

Select this flag so that the analysis request lines are grouped by lot / sub-lot / ID 1 and ID 2. For a quick entry of the quality control for all the relevant lines, several homogeneous serial numbers are displayed on a single note line.
The detail of these grouped serial numbers is available from the Action icon of the grouped line.
For a given grouping, it is possible to enter the corresponding quality record only once if it exists. All the quality records of the different serial numbers concerned will then be automatically entered and be accessible using:
- either using the Detail action on the analysis request line,
- or directly from a transaction where the grouping by serial number is not active.

SEEINFOThis setup for grouping serial numbers only applies to products which serial numbers are managed in Receipt/Issue (one stock line by serial number). This setup does not apply to products which serial numbers are managed in Global receipt/issue.


  • Identifier 1 (field IDECOD1)

The identifiers correspond to pieces of free information each used to identify a stock line. This parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the analytical dimension must be:

  • Hidden
    The field is not displayed on the entry screen.
  • Displayed: 
    The value is displayed but cannot be modified.
  • Entered:
    The value can be modified.
  • field IDESCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Identifier 2 (field IDECOD2)

This parameter is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the identifier 2 in the screen must be:

  • Hidden:
    The field is not displayed on the entry screen.
  • Displayed:
    The value is displayed but cannot be modified.
  • Entered:
    The value can be modified.
  • field IDESCR2



  • Enter packing unit (field CHGPCUCOD)

This flag is used for this transaction to authorize a change of packing unit in order to enable stock unpacking/repacking.

  • Destination location (field CHGEMPCOD)

Use this check box to authorize or prevent the change of location for this transaction, implicitly authorizing the change of license plate number.

  • If this check box is cleared, the destination location (hidden) stays identical to the source location. The license plate number also stays identical to the source number.
    As a result, if this location does not support the new status, this status will be rejected.
  • If this check box is selected, the destination location and the license plate number are available.
    If a warehouse change is not requested, the destination location will be initialized with the original location, provided the latter accepts the new status. In this case, the management rule will be applied to initialize the location.
    If a warehouse change is requested, the product-warehouse setup will be used to initialize the location type and the location. By default, the default location management is subject to the management rules to the 'Quality control' movement types and to the location parameters of the product-site concerned.

    SEEINFO The change of location, and implicitly the change of license plate number, is automatically authorized if the change of warehouse is authorized.
  • Target warehouse (field CHGWRHCOD)

Use this check box to authorize or prevent the change of warehouse for this transaction.

  • If this check box is cleared, the destination warehouse (hidden) stays identical to the source warehouse.
    The destination location will be initialized with the original location, provided the latter accepts the new status. In this case, the management rule will be applied to initialize the location.
  • If this check box is selected, the destination warehouse is available.
    The product-warehouse setup is used to initialize the location type and the location. By default, the default location management is subject to the management rules to the 'Quality control' movement types and to the location parameters of the product-site concerned.

    SEEINFOThe change of location (and implicitly the change of license plate number) is automatically authorized if the change of warehouse is authorized.
  • Technical sheet (field QLYCRDCOD)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the technical sheet must be :

  • Displayed:
    The default value is assigned to the field and displayed but the value is cannot be modified.
  • Entered:
    The default value is attributed to the field and displayed. It can be modified.
  • field QLYCRDSCR


  • Printing (field PRNCOD1)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the document is planned to be printed or not.

  • field PRNSCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Number of copies (field PRNNBFLG1)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the number of documents to be printed can be entered or not.

  • field PRNNBSCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

At the end of the entry, this button is used to save the setup performed and trigger the generation of the screens.

This button is used to copy the setup of the transaction in progress to another Sage X3 folder.

Local menus

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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