Common data > Common tables > Taxes > Tax exemption 

This function is dedicated to the management of Argentine taxes. It makes it possible for users to define a tax exemption percentage for a tax code with respect to minimum and maximum thresholds.

SEEINFO This function is used only with the invoices of the A/P - A/R Accounting module.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The tax exemption is determined according to the following criteria:

  • a company,
  • a tax code,
  • a tax type,
  • a minimum and maximum threshold,
  • a start and end date for the application.

When these criteria are also specified and checked upon a VAT calculation from an invoice, the exemption rate is applied to the VAT.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This field is used to enter the code used to identify the customer. It can be entered directly or selected from the Customer table.
SEEINFO This customer list is not exhaustive, any customer not present in this list can still order the product.


This field is used to enter or select by right-click the attachement company code.

This field specifies the tax code for which the customer has a tax exemption.

  • Tax type (field VATTYP)

A tax code can be used to identify several tax types:

  • VAT (Value Added Tax): based on the excl.-tax amount
  • Additional tax: based on the excl.-tax amount on the quantity or any other item of a document line
  • Special tax: based on the excl.-tax amount on the quantity or any other item of a document line
  • Local tax: See below.

SEEINFOFor a Special tax or Additional tax, select the Subject to VAT check box if the tax type is subject to a VAT.

Local tax


This type of tax is not managed in France.
It is applies to Canada and Argentina.


The PTX - Tax rates implementation activity code must be activated beforehand.
To manage Argentine local taxes, the KAG - Argentinean activity code must be active.


Taxes on the document footer are applied according to the region of origin and/or destination.
This feature can be extended to other cases: The local taxes depend on information from the TAXLINK table. They can be used as additional taxes in the document footer. This particular case is useful for preventing the tax from being transferred directly into the table.

  • In the Sales module, the local tax is displayed directly on the invoice footer.
  • In the Purchasing module, the four additional tax codes are displayed on the line and can be modified.
    SEEWARNINGIf the number of taxes is limited for sales, you cannot specify more than four taxes in purchasing lines.
  • Start date (field STRDAT)

This field identifies the 1st day of the period for which the tax exemption is defined.
Up to 53 periods can be defined.
Periods must be consecutive, without any gap.
The curve must be defined from 01/01 to 31/12.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)

This field identifies the last day of the period for which the tax exemption is defined.
Periods must be consecutive, without any gap.
The curve must be defined from 01/01 to 31/12.

  • Exemption rate (field EXERAT)

This field is used to enter the tax exemption rate.

  • Minimum threshold (field TSDMIN)

Enter the minimum amount below which the element is not calculated.
This threshold must be in reporting currency. It is then compared with the ex-tax value of the concerned lines.

  • Maximum threshold (field TSDMAX)

Enter a maximum amount above which the element is not calculated.
This threshold must be in reporting currency. It is then compared with the ex-tax value of the concerned lines.

This field is used to enter a tax exemption reason.
It can be entered directly or from the corresponding table.

  • Not justifying (field SPPNUM)

In this field, assign a number justifying the tax exemption.

Block number 3



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation