Refer to documentation Implementation
At the launch of the function, this screen is used to enter the parameters related to the export to be launched.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Corresponds to the implemented import-export template. |
| If this checkbox is activated, the export is only carried out on the records modified since the last export. The operating principle of this export mode is the following:
When an export with event management is carried out, it is possible to use the # meta-character in the name of the file to be exported; this character is then replaced by the current value of the EXPORT counter formatted over 4 characters. Thus, the file name donnees#.asc will be replaced by donnees00001.asc, donnees00023.asc, etc., based on the counter value. Of course, the EXPNUM field must exist in the table linked to the exported object for this type of import to exist. If it exists, it is automatically entered by object management, therefore it can be used for exports of this type. The current value of the [C]EXPORT counter can be modified in the import-export parameters. |
File generation
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Grid Range
| This field defines the name of the field for which a range can be entered. |
| Used to enter lower and upper ranges on a group of fields of the template, in order to limit the data to be exported. If this range is not assigned, no filtering is carried out on the field concerned. |
|   |
Grid Criteria
| The tables used in the import/export template are listed here to enable the filtering of the exported data. |
| Used to define additional criteria to filter the data to be exported for the table concerned, in the form of logical expressions that must be checked and that can use the table fields. |
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task EXPORT is provided for that purpose.
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Grid
Close Leads to the display of the data decoding process, coming from the template, that will be executed (this process is named WWE#####, where ##### is an automatically assigned number). A window then opens, that is used to view or modify this process, before the launch of the execution by the corresponding button or the abandonment of the import launch. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The file to be exported exists already : if confirmed, the previous file will be erased by the result of the export.
The directory in which the file to be exported is to be written does not exist.
The template cannot be used for an export.