Setup > Payroll plan > Update payroll plan > Update creation 

This function is used to create an archive containing corrections or functional evolutions concerning:

  •  payroll plan elements,
  •  the setup of charge declarations,
  •  the setup of the DADS-U.

All the elements extracted in this way are archived in a file that can then be reintegrated into another folder by using the "Update integration" function. Each extracted element is identified by a code that defines the element type to be updated (a heading, a variable, a total, etc.) and by an information element (the code of the heading, of the variable, of the total, etc.)


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Screen management

Four blocks are displayed to enter the information:

  • The identification of the file to be created and of the folder from which the patch elements are to be extracted;
  • The activity codes, if it is a patch to be applied to a vertical or a specific: all the objects marked by these specific activity codes will be updated upon integration of the patch. Otherwise they will not be updated;
  • The list of objects to put in the patch;
  • A comment to explain the patch.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • field W


  • Destination type (field TYPEXP)


  • File name (field VOLFIL)


The name of the folder from which the patch elements will be extracted.

  • Processing (field TRAIT)

No help linked to this field.


Grid Activity codes

This table lists specific or vertical activity codes (i.e. starting with X, Y or Z).

To create a patch integrating this type of development you must define the relevant activity codes. Dictionary elements containing specific activity codes which are not in the list will be ignored by the patch integration. This precaution is mandatory otherwise standard patches could update objects linked to a specific or vertical activity code. It is precisely the fact that no custom/specific activity code has been given in the standard patch header that makes it possible to manage this event.

These activity codes should not be used to filter the extraction of patch objects, they simply indicate that the elements linked to these specific activity codes will be updated by the patch integration. The elements linked by these activity codes can be loaded using a specific action in the Actionsmenu, at the level of the table defining the patch content.

Grid Objects

  • Type (field TYPOBJ)

This table is used to enter a list of objects to be patched. This list is identified by an object type and a name. The definition of the different types and the meaning of the name are given in an appendix.

  • Object name (field NOMOBJ)


No help linked to this field.



  • field CMT

No help linked to this field.



Action icon


Loads all the objects (headings, variables, totals) assimilated to a theme.




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Incorrect Object Type The object is not in the list and is not a table.

Tables used

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