This function can be used to define key dates for the generation of pay.


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Screen management

The fields displayed are initialized by parameters. Updating these fields also updates the values in the parameters.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Pay month (field MOIPAY)

This field displays the current pay month using the format MM/YYYY. This field is associated with the parameter MOIPAY.

If the month is changed, a log file details:

  • The pay entered but not calculated
  • The pay not carried out while the employee was present during the pay period
  • The pay carried out while the employee was absent during the default pay period of the month

Payroll elements

  • Pay date (field DATPAY)

Field containing the pay generation date in the month and year stipulated above. This field is associated with the parameter DATPAY. Caution, the pay date must always be a valid date in the month and year defined by the field Pay month. For example, if the Pay month is February, the Pay date must be between the first and last date in February of the year specified.

If the date is changed:

  • The Payment date is updated automatically to match the new Pay date, if the new Pay date is later than the existing Payment date
  • The Payment date is not changed if the new Pay date is earlier than the existing Payment date
  • Period start (field DEBPAY)

Field containing the pay period of the pay month stipulated above. These fields are associated with the parameters DEBPAY and FINPAY.

  • Period end (field FINPAY)


  • Payment date (field DATREG)

Field containing the salary payment date for the month stipulated above. This field is associated with the parameter DATREG.

This date can be later than the date displayed in the field Pay date and in a different month however, if the Pay date is changed to a date later than the Payment date this field is updated automatically to match the Pay date.


  • Year from (field DEBANN)

Fields containing the current payroll year. From 01/01 to 31/12 or in case of a shift, from 01/12 to 30/11. These fields are associated with the parameters DEBANNPAY and FINANNPAY.

  • Year to (field FINANN)




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Date not compatible with payroll month

The Pay date must be a valid date in the month and year defined by the field Pay month. For example, if the Pay month is February, the Pay date must be between the first and last date in February of the year specified.

Incorrect period

The end date of the payroll period must not be earlier than its start date.

The Payment date cannot be earlier than the Pay date

The Payment date entered must not be earlier than the date displayed in the field Pay date.

The Payment date is not in the same month as the Pay date

It is possible to enter a Payment date which is later than the date displayed in the field Pay date and in a different month. You will not be prevented from entering this date but this message will be displayed as a warning.

Tables used

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