Projects > Projects > Utilities > Financial snapshot extraction 

Use this function to obtain real-time top-level financial overviews, snapshots, of one or multiple projects for one company, or for all companies.

A financial snapshot is based on the actual financial status of a project relative to its budgets. It provides similar figures to those provided for a project financial overview.

To extract data for a single project you can access this functionality directly from that project.

You can only use this function if snapshot headers exist for the required projects. Refer to the Financial snapshots function documentation which describes the "snapshot header" creation process in detail.


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Screen management

The Financial snapshot extraction function contains a single screen in which you define your snapshot extraction selection criteria.

Financial snapshots function (GESPJMSNP) to view the extracted data.

Entry screen


You use this screen to filter or select the projects to be included in the financial extraction run.

A "snapshot header" sets the parameters for a financial extraction. A snapshot header is a prerequisite to running a snapshot extraction. It comprises the project code, the financial view to be extracted, and the unit and currency to be used each time the data extraction is requested.

You can use this function to extract project financial data as, and when required once a snapshot header has been created.

Extracted snapshot data is added to the list of snapshots in the Financial snapshots function (GESPJMSNP).

Each time you extract snapshot data the Financial status sections of the associated project and the cost structure is synchronized with the extracted data if the FINOVERSYN - Updated fin. status/snapshot parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yesand the Revenue recognition check box (REVRECFLG field) is selected for a snapshot header. If the ESTPRGSYNC - Updated est. progress/snapshot parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yes, the estimated progress percentage of the project, the project budget, and the operational task (Estimated progress (%) fields) are updated.

As a snapshot is real time, each new snapshot you obtain overwrites a previous snapshot created on the same date. Similarly, each new snapshot you obtain refreshes 1 - the project and cost structure financial status, if the FINOVERSYN - Updated fin. status/snapshot parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yes and the Revenue recognition check box (REVRECFLG field) is selected in the snapshot header; 2 - the estimated total revenue for the project, if the ESTREVSYNC - Updated est. revenue/snapshot parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yes and the Revenue recognition check box is selected in the snapshot header; 3 - the estimated progress percentage of the project, the project budget, and the operational task, if the ESTPRGSYNC - Updated est. progress/snapshot parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yes.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 2


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

Select this checkbox to include all companies. To run this process for a single company, do not select this checkbox.

Enter or select a company code. You can only access this field if the All companies check box is clear.

  • All snapshots (field ALLSNP)

Select this check box to include all snapshot codes. To run this process for a single, or a range of snapshot codes, leave clear.

  • From snapshot (field SNPCODF)

Extract data for a range of snapshot codes. To extract data for a single snapshot code, enter the same code in the From snapshot and To snapshot fields. You can leave the From snapshot field blank to extract data for all snapshot codes.

  • All projects (field ALLPRJ)

Select this check box to include all projects. To run this process for a single, or a range of projects, leave clear.

Filter for results within a range of project codes. For a single project, enter the same project code in the From/start project and To/end project fields.

  • Revenue recognition snapshot (field REVRECFLG)

Select this check box if this snapshot must recognize project revenue, otherwise leave clear.

The method your project will use to calculate the values is defined in the Revenue recognition rule field (RRCC) on your project (General section, Financials block).

Use this field to identify the financial view to be linked to an SQL query. Select a view code from the codes activated in Miscellaneous table 388 - Financial view. For example, for an expense view select view "10" or a revenue view, select view "20". This field is mandatory.

By default, Miscellaneous table 388 enables data tracking on selected financial views such as expenses and revenue. Table 388 therefore controls which financial overview data can be displayed.

 Project management includes standard, or master SQL queries for both expense and revenue financial overviews. Delivered by default with your solution are master SQL queries for Financial views "10" (expenses) and "20" (revenue). You can modify these master SQL queries, or create new SQL queries from scratch to suit your organization, your processes or your users. You are advised, however, to get a basic understanding of how your system works before changing a master query.

 Sage advises that you save a copy of a master SQL query before modifying it.

  • Launched projects only (field LCHDPRJ)

Select this check box to only include projects that have been launched. To run this process for all projects at all stages of the project cycle, leave clear.

  • Exclude closed projects (field CLSDPRJ)

Select this check box to exclude closed projects. To include closed projects, leave clear.

  • Log file (field LOGFILE)

Click this check box to generate a detailed Log file of this run. If you do not require a Log file, leave blank.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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