A/P-A/R accounting > Payments > Supplier extension > Supplier Item Due Date Extension - Implementation 


  • Only the payments posted for a payment type set up by Due date in entry mode are subject to extension (see Payment transaction)
  • If a payment has completed the notes payable/receivable posting stage, it can no longer be processed in this function. Therefore, all payments posted to a paying bank notice can no longer be processed.

General parameters

The following general parameters may change the way the function is working :

Acc Payable/Acc Receivable

 GAUPRORO (defined at level Folder) : Due date extension

 PRCTOL (defined at level Folder) : % variance on tolerance amount


An authorization can be granted for this function to limit the processes to a company or a site.

Other prerequisites

Tables to be completed

The following tables are used by the function. Their content must be updated if necessary :


Table description


Payment transactions

Tables used

The following tables are implemented by the function :


Table description


Due date extension


Due date extension