A/P-A/R accounting > Bank transactions > Bank statement import 

The SUBRBK processing is used to import a bank statement stored in an ASCII file.

Whenever an anomaly is detected, the log file is updated, and the written section (comprised of the recording of the former balance, of recordings of transactions and of the recording of the new balance) containing the anomaly, is not imported.

For a Portuguese bank, use the Norma 43 format to import the bank file statement.


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Screen management

Entry screen


In the dialogue window, mention the name and the position of the file to be imported (possibility to search in the directories via the right click), along with the bank account concerned.

The log file mentions the encountered anomalies. In particular, there MUST be a matching between the Bank ID number in the Statement file and the Bank ID number set up in the bank account table.

A statement is generated in the table of the RELBAN statements, with a number incremented in the counter.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • field TYPEXP

No help linked to this field.

  • File name (field VOLFIL)


  • All accounts (field ALLBAN)

The bank code can be used to import only entries from a bank account.
This field is initialized with the bank code of the first header line (savings with the code '01') if the file to be imported.
If this field is left empty, the whole statement will be imported.




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"This file is a directory"

The file name is missing in the entered path.

"You do not have access to the bank xxxxx"

This message appears when the user profile code does not authorize access to the "BANK STATEMENT IMPORT" function for the selected bank.

"You do not have access to all the banks"

This message appears when the bank field is empty and the user profile code does not authorize access to the "BANK STATEMENT IMPORT" function for all the banks.

"The former balance does not correspond to the previous balance"

The amount of the previous balance is different from the amount of the former balance to be imported. In effect, the former balance must be identical to the last imported "new balance": Same bank, same currency, same operation date and same amount.

This imbalance between the two amounts comes either from an error in the file to be imported, or from a file import that failed to be carried out, and that would compensate this difference.

"Statement already imported"

The file already contains an imported statement. Only the entries of this statement are not imported, the rest of the file is integrated.

"New balance <> former balance + transaction total"

There is inequality instead of equality. The file contains an inconsistency.

"Bank currency different from the currency in the statement"

The imported iso currency corresponds to a currency that is different from the bank currency. The file contains an inconsistency.

"Bank ID number of the statement does not exist in the BANK file"

No bank is defined for this account. It is necessary to create it.

"No currency associated with the iso currency of the statement"

No currency is attached to this iso currency. A currency needs to be created.

"Sense of the amount incorrect"

Inconsistency in the amount to import field, at the level of the last character defining the sense.

"No statement to be imported"

The file does not contain any statement corresponding to the bank or the file is empty.

Tables used

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