Operating budgets > Approval management > Submit for approval 

This function enables the budget manager to generate an approval request for the envelopes, budgets and budget lines, with the "Entered" status, for which they are responsible. Upon generation of the approval request, the objects switch to the "To be approved" status.

This request can take place via the transmission of a WORKFLOW message to the signer. Upon receipt of this message, the signer can either sign directly from their messaging service, or access the budget object list pending their approval.

The approval requests can be associated with a WORKFLOW-piloted signing circuit.

If the approval process includes several signers, the next signatures follow the same process as for the first signer.

The envelope, the budget or the budget line can move to the "Approved" status only after the last signature has been granted. In case of rejection from one of the signers, the status goes back to "Entered"

Signing circuits

Preliminary setup

The approval of envelopes, budgets and budget lines, and the approval of the budget reviews can be associated with a signing circuit that can be set up. The implementation of these signing circuits is linked to the setup of the following elements:

  • BUOAPP data model for the group of tables linked to table BUDAPP (BOA) for budget approvals and BUOREV for the group of tables linked to table BUDREV (BRV) for the reviews.
  • BUOAPP, BUOAAPPREF and BUOAAPPVAL workflow rules for the budget approvals and REVAPP, BUOREVREF, BUOREVVAL workflow rules for reviews.
  • Allocation rules of the BUOAPP users for the budget approvals and BUOREV users for the reviews.
  • User assignment. This function is used to enter formulas in the "user" fields when the "Formula/user" field is selected. This formula will be valued when executing the Workflow. If the value of the field is smaller than or equal to 5, the user code is considered to be entered and this field will not be valued.
Formulas used to search for signers

The search for signers can be performed by entering the signer code or using a formula that will enable the signer to be found via entities.

Each entity contains:

  • A user code,
  • The responsible entity,
  • The approval entity,
  • A linking entity.

The envelope, its related budgets and lines contain a responsible entity, an approval entity (EA1) and a linking entity (ER1). The approval entity EA1 contains itself an approval entity EA2, and so on and so forth down to the last entity in the pyramid. It is the same principle for the linking entity ER1 linked to ER2, itself linked to ER3, down to the last entity in the pyramid. Each entity contains a responsible code which can be searched using a formula replacing the user code entered in the setup (see grid below).

 Approval pyramid 



Linking pyramid 




APP entity =   1



 RAT  entity =   1




APP entity =   10



 RAT  entity =   20




APP entity =   103



 RAT  entity =   203




 Entity 20301 



 Entity 20301 




The "User assignment" can be set up as follows:

  • Approval entity = 103
  • Signer 1 = [F:ER1]USR (USR of entity 203, i.e. MCL3)
  • Signer 2 = [F:EA1]USR (USR of entity 103, i.e. MCL1)
  • Signer 3 = [F:EA2]USR (USR of entity 10, i.e. MCL2)
  • Signer 4 = [F:ER2]USR (USR of entity 20, i.e. MCL4)
  • Signer 5 = [F:EA3]USR (USR of entity 1, i.e. MCL9)
  • Signer 6 = [F:ER3]USR (USR of entity 1, i.e. MCL9)

In the event of modification of the person responsible for an entity, the use of formulas makes it possible to maintain the signing circuits as they are implemented, without having to modify anything, since this modification is automatically taken into account when the entity is modified.


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Screen management

This screen is composed of two parts: The first part provides access to a set of selection criteria, the second part is used to display in a grid all the objects selected with respect to the entered criteria.

The maximum number of lines authorized by selection is set to 500. In case of overrun, a message "full grid" indicates that the selection exceeds the 500 authorized lines. When clicking on "OK", the first 500 lines are displayed. To decrease the selection, the following selection criteria should be used: Project, responsible entity ranges, approval entity ranges, envelope ranges.

The button "Check/uncheck all" is used to select, in a single operation, all the budget objects originating from the selection. This action can be cancelled by the same button.

Entry screen


The screen header information is used to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry being used: Company / site or period in which the selected objects are located.

Additional criteria can be associated to decrease the population of the objects to be inquired: Project, responsible entity ranges, approval entity ranges, envelope ranges.

The activation of the key "Display/Refresh" displays the list of budget envelops, as well as the list of their budgets and lines, that correspond to the selection in the table.

If the criteria entered do not end on any selection, a message "No record for these selections" is displayed and informs the user who has to modify these selection criteria.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Company/site (field CFY)

Site or Company code, to be entered or selected from the list. This code is used to select all envelopes, budgets and budget lines that have the status "Entered" in this company, so as to submit them for approval.

If the information entered corresponds to a company, the selection displays all the objects defined for the company, including those defined for the sites of this company. If the information entered corresponds to a site, the selection only displays the budget objects defined for this site.

  • Description (field INTCFY)

Title associated with the site or company code.


  • Start date (field CRIDATSTR)

The ranges of the entered dates make it possible to filter the budgetary objects with a starting date is within this time interval (starting date same as the end date of the period or after). 

By default, the starting date is loaded with the starting date of the last fiscal year opened (it can be modified).

The annual envelopes situated in the period are those which start date is situated in the entry period. The pluriannual envelopes situated in the period are those which one of the budgets contains a start date included in the entry period.

  • If the "Company/site" field is a site, only the objects defined for this site are displayed, when the start date of one of their annual budget is included in the entered period.
  • If the "Company/site" field is a company, the objects defined for this company and its sites are displayed, when the start date of one of their annual budget is included in the entered period.

After entering the selection criteria, the "Display/refresh" button, once activated, displays in the grid the (totally or partially) approved envelopes, budgets and budget lines which correspond to the company or site and are included in the determined period.

  • End date (field CRIDATEND)

By default, the end date is initialized by the end date of the last fiscal year opened (it can be modified).

Selection criteria used to to refine the search. Only the projects, containing at least one attached envelope, linked to the entered company (directly, by their location, the company groups or their location groups) are displayed in selection.

Only the envelopes, budgets and lines of this project, not approved, are submitted for approval.

After entering these criteria, the "Display/refresh" button, once activated, displays in the grid the non approved envelopes, budgets and budget lines attached to the determined project.

  • Responsible entity from (field ENTMSTR)

Selection criteria used to refine the search in a range of responsible entities. The first field is used to select or enter the first "responsible entity" code of the range, the second field is used to select or enter the last "responsible entity" code of the range. Only the entities which company code corresponds to the company code previously entered are displayed for selection, as well as those which have no company code.

After entering the selection criteria, the "Display/refresh" button, once activated, displays in the grid the (totally or partially) non approved envelopes, budgets and budget lines which correspond to the criteria:

  • If no project code has been entered, the selection only displays the envelopes, as well as their budgets and lines, which belong to the entered company/site, included in the determined period and attached to these entities.
  • If a project code and an entity range have been entered, the selection only displays the envelopes, as well as their budgets and lines, which belong to the entered company/site, included in the determined period and attached to this project and these entities.
  • Responsible entity to (field ENTMEND)

Field used to enter or select the last responsible entity of the range.

  • Approval entity from (field ENTASTR)

Selection criteria used to refine the search in a range of approval entities. The first field is used to select or enter the first "approval entity" code of the range, the second field is used to select or enter the last "approval entity" code of the range. Only the entities which company code corresponds to the company code previously entered are displayed for selection, as well as those which have no company code.

After entering the selection criteria, the "Display/refresh" button, once activated, displays in the grid the (totally or partially) non approved envelopes, budgets and budget lines which correspond to the criteria:

  • If no project code has been entered, the selection only displays the envelopes, as well as their budgets and lines, which belong to the entered company/site, included in the determined period and attached to these entities.
  • If a project code and an entity range have been entered, the selection only displays the envelopes, as well as their budgets and lines, which belong to the entered company/site, included in the determined period and attached to this project and these entities.
  • Approval entity to (field ENTAEND)

Field used to enter or select the last approval entity of the range.

  • Envelope from (field ENVSTR)

Selection criteria used to refine the search in a range of envelopes. The first field is used to select or enter the first "envelope" code of the range, the second field is used to select or enter the last "envelope" code of the range. Only the envelopes which have at least one object to be approved (envelope, budget or budget line) are displayed for selection.

After entering the selection criteria, the "Display/refresh" button, once activated, displays in the grid the (totally or partially) non approved envelopes, budgets and budget lines which correspond to the criteria:

  • If a project code has been entered, the selection only displays the envelopes assigned to this project for the company/site and period entered.
  • If no project code has been entered and if an entity range has been determined, the selection only displays the envelopes which belong to the entered company/site, included in the determined period and attached to these entities.
  • If a project code and an entity range have been entered, the selection only displays the envelopes which belong to the entered company/site, included in the determined period and attached to these entities.
  • If no previous criterion has been entered, the selection only displays the envelopes belonging to the company/site entered, included in the determined period.
  • Envelope to (field ENVEND)

Field used to enter or select the last envelope of the range.

Block number 3

  • Display/Refresh (field SEARCH)

After entry of the company/site code or the selection criteria, this button is used to trigger the display of the envelopes, budgets and lines of status "entered" meeting the selection criteria.

  • Check/Uncheck all (field COCHER)

The button "Check/uncheck all" is used to select, in a single operation, all the budget objects originating from the selection. This action can be cancelled by the same button.

Grid Details

  • Level (field NIV)

Level description of the object submitted for approval: Envelope, budget fiscal year and budget line.

  • Amount (field AMT)

Budgeted envelope amount, budget amount, budget line amount, expressed ex tax.

This code is used to identify the management currency for envelopes, budgets and budget lines. It is managed in the currency table.

  • Subject to (field SOU)

Column used to set an object to "Yes" so as to submit its approval request.

Code of the budget envelope submitted for approval.

  • Description (field ENVINT)

Description associated with the budget envelope code.

  • Fiscal year (field INTFIY)

Field entered for budget lines and budgets by fiscal year: Code and description for the budget fiscal year.

Code of the project, of the envelope assignment taken automatically from the envelope when it is attached to a project.

Entity responsible for the management of the envelope, its budgets and budget lines.
Information that cannot be modified, originating from the envelope and that is propagated to the budgets and budget lines.

Expense-consuming entity. Information that cannot be modified taken from the budget line.

Budget account, coming from the budget line, cannot be modified.

  • Lot (field LOT)

Identification code of the lot defined in the project



Action icon


This button makes it possible to access to the envelope and its budgets in order to inquire or modify them.

Line Entry

This button makes it possible to gain access to the budget line in order to inquire or modify it.




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

You have not checked anything. Do you want to exit without performing any action?

After presentation of the objects coming from the selection, this message is displayed when clicking on "OK" without having carried out an approval request. Answering "Yes" to this message brings the user back to the menu, and answering "No" leaves the user in the selection screen, allowing them to carry out an approval request.

No object does meet these selection criteria

This message is displayed after entering the selection criteria when using the button "Display/Refresh". The elements entered do not make it possible to find a matching element: either the envelope is not defined for the company entered, or it is not linked to the project, or the entities are out of phase with the envelope, etc. Delete some of the criteria to carry out a wider search.

The envelope has not been defined for this company/site

This message is displayed after entering the company code and the envelope code when using the button "Display/Refresh". The envelope entered as selection criterion does not belong to the entered company. Modify the envelope code or the company code.

The fiscal year budget cannot be approved using this setup .

This message is displayed on object approval, when an attempt is made to submit a budget for approval, via right click on the budget in the entry screen of the envelope, and the setup does nor provide for any direct approval of the budget (GDDAPPBUD = NO).

The envelope must be approved before the fiscal year budget can be approved.

This message is displayed on object approval, when an attempt is made to submit a budget for approval, via right click on the budget in the entry screen of the envelope, although the related envelope has not been approved and the setup demands the preliminary approval of the envelope (GDDAPPENV = NO).

The budget line cannot be approved using this setup.

This message is displayed on object approval, when an attempt is made to submit a budget line for approval, via right click on the budget line, and the setup does not provide for any direct approval of the line (GDDAPPLIG = NO).

Currencies incompatible

This message is displayed on object approval, when an attempt is made to submit a budget line for approval, via right click on the budget line, although its related budget has not been approved and the setup demands the preliminary approval of the budget (GDDAPPBUD = Yes).

Tables used

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