Development > Utilities > Verifications > Database properties > SQL Server properties 

This function is used to view the principal properties of the database when the database used is SQL Server™.

The data presented here are not modifiable.
Their modification must be carried out using the appropriate administration tools for the database used.


This function is used, by the requests in the tables and the system views, to give technical information on the database. The interpretation of the results given by this function is up to the database administrator and can depend on the version of the database used.

Screen management

This function is used to view the properties of the database.
These elements are presented in two tabs : the first gives the general characteristics of the server, the second gives the characteristics of the database as well as the list of parameters and selected options for the database.



Used to identify the characteristics of the database used.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Database (field BDDNAM)

Name of the database.

  • Version (field VER)

Version number of the database.

  • field VERDES

Description of the database version.



Tab Server


The first tab presents the general properties server hosting the database.

This first section gives information on the Sql Server instance. 




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Machine (field SRVMAC)

Name of the server on which the database is started.

  • Instance (field SRVINS)

Name of the Microsoft® SQL Server™ server.

  • Default class (field SRVTRI)

Classification type used by the SQL Server instance.

  • Version (field VER)

Description of the database version.



Tab Basis


The database properties are displayed in the second tab.

This screen is made up of three sections :


The section contains the principal characteristics of the database.

Last backup

This section is used to view the dates of the last backups carried out on the database.


This section lists the database options and their values.

Five categories exist for the database options :

    • automatic options ;
    • cursor options ;
    • recovery options ;
    • SQL options ;
    • report options.



The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Owner (field OWN)

User that is the owner of the database.

  • Date created (field CREDAT)

Date and time of the database creation

  • field CREHOU


  • Number of users (field NBRUSR)

Number of users defined in the database.

  • Number of active connections (field NBRPRO)

Number of active connections on the database.

  • Size of the base (field TAILBASE)

Total size of the current database, all folders included. This size includes all the data files and journal files.

  • field MB1


  • Space not allocated (field ESPACE)

Database space that has not been reserved for the database objects.

  • field MB2


  • Classification (field BDDTRI)

Type of classification used by the database.

  • Recovery model (field RPCTPL)

Specify the restoration template type for the database.

The following restoration templates are available :

    • Simple restoration
      The simple restoration is used in the restoration of the database with the help of the most recent backup.
    • Complete restoration
      The complete restoration is used in the restoration of the database from the time of failure.
    • Mass logged restoration
      The mass logged restoration allows mass logged operations.
  • Level of compatability (field LEV)

Indicate the level of compatibility of the database

Grid Options

  • Option (field OPT)

Database options.

Here is a list of options that can be found :



auto create statistics

If true, the missing statistics, required by a request for the optimization, are automatically created during the optimization.

auto update statistics

If true, the statistics not updated, required by a request for the optimization, are automatically created during the optimization.


If true, the database is stopped correctly and its resources are freed once the last user has disconnected.


If true, the database files are candidates for a periodic automatic compacting.

ANSI null default

If true, CREATE TABLE the the rules SQL-92 in order to determine if a column allows NULL values.

values ANSI NULL

If true, all the comparisons with a NULL value are evaluated as unknown (UNKNOWN). If false, the comparisons of the non UNICODE values with a NULL value are valuated as TRUE if the two values are NULL.

ANSI warnings

If true, the errors or warnings are issued if the conditions such as "division by zero" are verified.


If true, the capacity is exceeded or a division by zero has provoked the stopping of the request process or the instruction lot. If the error occurs in a transaction, this latter is cancelled (roll back). If false, a warning message is displayed, but the request process, the instruction lot or the transaction continues, as if there was no error.

concat null yields null

If true, the result is NULL if one of the two operands for the concatenation operation is NULL.


If true, any cursor open at the moment where a transaction is engaged or restored is closed. If false, these cursors remain open when a transaction is engaged, and the restoration of a transaction closes all cursors with the exception of those that are defined with the keyword INSENSITIVE or STATIC.

dbo use only

If true, only the owner of the database can use it.

default to local cursor

if true, the declarations of the cursor have the default value LOCAL.

publication de fusion

If true, the database can be published for a fusion replication.

numeric roundabort

If true, an error is generated when a loss of precision survives in an expression. If false, the losses of precision do not generate error messages and the result is the rounding as a function of the column or variable containing the result precision.


If true, the database is off-line.


If true, the database can be published for the replication.

identifier between speech marks

If true, you can enclose deliminated identifiers between double speech marks.


If true, the users are only authorized to read the data in the database and not to modify it. The database cannot be in use when a new value is specified for the option read only. The master database makes exception to this rule, and only the system administrator can use it during when the option is read only.

recursive triggers

If true, it allows the recursive activation of triggers. If false, only prevents the direct reoccurrence. To deactivate the indirect reoccurrence, assign the value 0 to the server option nested triggers with the help of sp_configure.

select into /bulkcopy

If true, the instruction SELECT INTO and rapid block copies are authorized.

single user

If true, the database can only be used by one user at a time.


If the value is true, the database can be subscribed to a publication.

torn page detection

If true, the incomplete pages can be detected.

trunc. log on chkpt

If true, a control point empties the inactive section of the journal when the database is in the mode truncation of the journal. This is the only option authorized master database.

  • Value (field OPTVAL)


Last back-up

  • Database - complete (field SAVBDDDAT)

Display the date and time of the last backup for the database.

  • field SAVBDDHOU


  • Database - differential (field SAVDBDDDAT)

Display the date and time of the last differential backup for the database.

  • field SAVDBDDHOU


  • Transaction log (field SAVLOGDAT)

Display the date and time of the last journal backup of the transactions.

  • field SAVLOGHOU



Specific Buttons

This button, also accessible using the short cut, used to refresh the display of the tabs.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation