Development > Utilities > Dictionary > Windows synchronization 

From a technical point of view, the user interface of the softwares in adonix technology is described in XML format. An XML window is described in the form of a first file describing its structure, and a set of files describing the elements that make it up: screens, lists on the left, local menus. All these elements are multilingual and independent from the underlying client workstation, and their generation is the result of the dictionary validation.

In this way, for example:

  • when a window is modified, by adding a button for instance, the XML that corresponds to the window is written again.
  • when a screen is modified, by adding a field for instance, the XML that corresponds to the screen is written again.
  • when a left list is created and added to a window, the corresponding XML file is created and the XML file of the window is updated.

From these elementary files, an assembling phase allows you to generate an optimized XML file, containing the information useful for the interface specified only, in a specific context (customer type, language). This assembled file is stored in the cache of the client workstation. There is another version of it for client-server, web and video terminals interfaces. The necessary information is not strictly the same.

All XML files feature date and hour, this way the user can check, at any time, the coherence between the various elements.

For optimization reasons, when a screen is modified, the assembly of the optimized XML files is not launched again for all the windows that use them. Nevertheless, an indicator is updated in order to invalidate windows. Thus, this assembly is done during the first use of the window in a given context.

This function is used to trigger this assembly but it can also be used to regenerate the XML files that describe the windows in order to be used to managed cases like the XML generator update.

Screen management

Entry screen


Only one tab is displayed in the screen. It is used to define the generation parameters.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Define the folder code, as it is defined in the folders table, in which the work will be carried out.

  • Window selection (field TYPFEN)

This field is used to define the generation of the criteria, according the choice entered :

  • Invalid windows signifies that all the windows are to be generated where the validity indicator is set to No.
  • Time stamp less than... is used to chose a date to process all the windows where the time stamp is less than the given date.
  • All is used to select all the windows.
  • Date (field TSTAMPD)

When wanting to use a range for the generation of a given date and time, these two fields are used to define the date of the time stamp from which the generation must be carried out.

  • Time (field TSTAMPH)


  • Processing (field TYPTRT)

The choices possible are as follows :

  • List is used simply to give a list of selected windows in a log file.
  • Assembly leads to the generation of the assembled XML files, for all the windows concerned, in all the languages in the folder and for the interfaces requested according to the corresponding parameter.
  • Validation leads to the regeneration of the window code based on the dictionary and the assembly of the windows as required.
  • Selective assembly (field TYPASS)

This field is used to limit the assembly operations to a single type of interface or to impose it for all.

  • Max no. of elements to process (field NBMAX)




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task SYNCHDICO is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Log file

The function returns a log file listing:

  • either the items to validate if it is launched in mode List.
  • or the validated elements if any other mode is launched.

Elements are displayed with this form:



  • (Z) corresponds to one of the characters W (Web), X (Client-server)
  • (LAN) is the language code
  • (CODE) is the code of the window

A line that sums up the number of screens and windows that are not updated is also part of the log file.