Development > Utilities > Dictionary > Validations > Dictionary 

This function is used to carry out a mass validation of a group of elements in a dictionary. It will generate the code or a database update accordingly to the dictionary information. These dictionary elements can be defined by check boxes and name ranges. This tool is used to perform operations made by folder validation, but in a more selective way. This makes the update faster.

It is also possible to filter entirely the elements concerned by:

  • their affiliation to a module
  • data type (for example if it has changed)
  • activity code

Finally, unlike folder validation which carries out the work in all the languages in which the folder is managed, it is possible to choose a single language.


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Screen management

The parameters entry is carried out in a single tab.

Entry screen


Then select the elements types and ranges to be revalidated for the following elements:

  • Database tables: the forced validation check box causes the regeneration of tables by temporary copy even if no structure modification is detected
  • Screens: when validated, they create XML files executable by the client/server engine and refreshed on web servers if they exist
  • Objects, windows and queries: when validated, they create processes with the .adx extension executable by the engine, as well as the necessary XML files for the existing web servers update

The following additional filters are available:

  • Data type: if selected, only elements using this type of data are revalidated
  • Activity code: if selected, only elements using this type of activity codes are revalidated
  • One or more modules: only elements attached to modules for which Yes is selected are revalidated

If the test mode check box is ticked, you can list only elements that would be revalidated with the given filter criteria.

Launching this operation can be long so it can be carried out in batch mode. A log file is created for all cases. You will find in it details about the operations carried out and any possible errors. We recommend you read this file when the operation is completed.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Define the folder code, as it is defined in the folders table, in which the work will be carried out.

  • Validation (field TYPVAL)

Select the type of validation:

  • Free
  • Complete
  • Additional language

If set to Additional language, you can then perform a dictionary validation with the additional language option in order to copy all translations from the X3 reference folder.

Before selecting this type of validation, you need to have added the language code in the folder in order to add a standard language to it.

  • Deferred validation (field VALIDDIF)

This option disables the direct validation of windows and screens to optimize these objects' validation times.

If this check box is selected, the windows and screens are validated at their first use.

  • Test mode (field TEST)

When this box is checked, only a list of elements that should be validated is provided in the log file without any validation taking place.

Grid Object to process

  • Type (field OBCDES)

Type of objects to process.

  • To process (field OBCSEL)

Check the box to select the object you want to process.

  • from (field OBCSTR)

Select the first element of the range you want to process.

  • To (field OBCEND)

Select the last element of the range you want to process.

Grid Installed modules

  • Module (field MODULE)

When you select Yes for the concerned lines, this grid is used to define the elements to be validated by functional module filtering.

  • Validation (field VALMOD)

When you select Yes for the concerned lines, this grid is used to define the elements to be validated by functional module filtering.


If this type of data is entered, only the elements using this data type are revalidated.

If an activity code is entered, only the elements marked by this activity code are revalidated.

If an action code is entered, only the elements marked by this action code are revalidated.



Action icon

Yes to all the rest

When faced with an entry grid with multiple choices and a Yes/No answer on each line, this function makes it possible to answer Yes to all the lines starting from the current line.

No to all the rest

When faced with an entry grid with multiple choices and a Yes/No answer on each line, this function makes it possible to answer No to all the lines starting from the current line.

Standard Rerouting Action
Standard Rerouting Action

Error messages

All error messages are written in the log file.




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task VALDICO is provided for that purpose.

Specific buttons

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Log file contents

The error messages concerning the posting process itself are all included in the log file (only the messages linked with a setup entry are directly displayed on the screen).

Tables used

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