ADCs > Inquiries > PO inquiry 

Use this inquiry to view purchase order lines by purchase order (PO) number or product / UPC number and expected receipt date. The PO  and products selection lists filter for the current site as defined in the Set site function, and it links to the ADC Receipts function to complete the receiving process.
Note: This inquiry is typically used on a mobile device that allows you to scan bar codes or it can be used in a browser where you can enter or select products.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Tab PO inquiry

  • Site

This displays the current site as defined in the Set up site function. You can only select POs or products for this site.

  • PO no. (field FPOHNUM)

Enter or select a PO number for the current site to view purchase orders lines with products that have an expected receipt date on or before the selected date.

  • Product (field FITMREF)

Scan or select a product from the lookup to view purchase order lines for that product. Only products with expected receipt dates on or before the selected date display in the grid.

Leave this field blank to view all products for a selected PO number.

  • Date (field FRECDAT)

Enter or select a date to view purchase order lines for products with an expected receipt date on or before this date.

Changing this date updates the grid accordingly.


The fields in the grid are display-only and cannot be modified.

  • Product (field ITMREF)

This field displays the product code for products whose expected receipt date is on or before the selected date.

  • Description (field ITMDESC)

This field displays the description for the product on the line.

  • Expected rcpt. date (field RECDAT)

This field displays the expected receipt date for the product on the line. This date is on or before the selected date.

  • Remaining quantity (field REMQTY)

This field displays the quantity for the expected receipt date.

  • UOM (field STO)

This field displays the unit of measure (UOM) for the product on the line.

  • PO no. (field POHNUM)

This field displays the purchase order (PO) number for the product on the line.

  • Line (field POPLIN)

This field displays the line number on the purchase order for this product.

Specific actions

Use this button to advance to the next page of an open purchase order with multiple pages.

Use this button to advance to the next open purchase order.

Use this button to advance to the next product in the list of open purchase order lines.

Use this button to open the ADC Receipts function.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation