This screen defines the criteria for the selection and display of the statistical data to be viewed.
Selection criteria :
- Company / Site (optional)
- Date range
Display criteria :
- The column to be totalled (optional) is the column from which the columns "Total" "%" "%Total" are going to be calculated.
- The tick box 'Top x' makes it possible to select and to rank in decreasing order the x biggest values from the column to be calculated
Graph :
The two tick boxes "Code" and "Title" allow the labeling of each element of the graph. If no box is ticked, the code is selected.
These criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX on clicking the "Memo" button. To re-display criteria saved under the memo code YYY, click on the button "Recall" and enter YYY. The criteria saved under the memo code STD will be pre-loaded when the user enters the function.