If the condition is not verified, the field will be empty.
In the case of the import of entries with analysis, the filling of the fields SEC(0) to SEC(9) which correspond to the analytical dimensions necessitate the utilisation of the axis number field and it is necessary to use the syntax X=Y, where X is the field number.
Example :
1 CODSEC = dimension code.
4 TYPSEC = axis number.
5 NUMECT = entry number.
6 NUMLIG = Line number of general entry.
In the X3 conversion template,
GACCENTRYA CCE(0) 1 serves to recuperate the contents of the field CODSEC v3 4=1 (*).
GACCENTRYA CCE(1) 1 serves to recuperate the contents of the field CODSEC v3 4=2 (**).
GACCENTRYA CCE(2) 1 serves to recuperate the contents of the field CODSEC v3 4=3 (***).
GACCENTRYA QTY 3 serves to recuperate the contents of the field QTY v3 4=1 (*).
GACCENTRYA AMTCUR 2 serves to recuperate the contents of the field MONTANT v3.
* when the field 4 (typsec) = 1, it is recuperated in CCE (0).
** when the field 4 (typsec) = 2, it is recuperated in CCE (1).
*** when the field 4 (typsec) = 3, it is recuperated in CCE (2).