Field help (AEXPCHRONO) 

If this checkbox is activated, the export is only carried out on the records modified since the last export. The operating principle of this export mode is the following:

When an export with event management is carried out, it is possible to use the # meta-character in the name of the file to be exported; this character is then replaced by the current value of the EXPORT counter formatted over 4 characters. Thus, the file name donnees#.asc will be replaced by donnees00001.asc, donnees00023.asc, etc., based on the counter value.

Of course, the EXPNUM field must exist in the table linked to the exported object for this type of import to exist. If it exists, it is automatically entered by object management, therefore it can be used for exports of this type.

The current value of the [C]EXPORT counter can be modified in the import-export parameters.