Corresponds to the level of detail desired for the display of the information.
Level 1 signifies that the information is displayed at level one of the aggregation (the highest) and all the successive levels, level 2 signifies that the information will not be displayed at level 1 but at level 2 and all the more detailed levels etc. The highest level therefore corresponds to the most detail level of the inquiry, that which is displayed by default when launching the inquiry.
This level is assigned by default to 1 on the first line and incremented each time a break is requested (Group=yes) for the previous field. It can be modified in order to display an amount at a different aggregation level. For example, when sorting and grouping the information by a code such as the user code and the user name is required in the next column, it is clear that this name must be displayed at the same level as the user code and not only at the more detailed levels.