Application : this corresponds to the default case (standard tables for a folder). These tables are present or not according to the activity code and module management.
Supervisor : the table then becomes part of the supervisor data managed in each folder outside of the dictionary (users, operation logs, attachments...). It is always present.
X3 System : the table is part of the general data not attached to a given folder (tables linked to the folder management, to the batch server...). These tables are only present in the supervisor folder, this folder can take various names according to the installed product: for example X3, PAYE, GX. They are therefore common to all the folders. They are therefore not concerned by the types and copy options because they are never copied.
Dictionary : the table, which is always present, forms part of the dictionary in each folder (reports, actions, screens, data types...). The folder management takes into account in a specific fashion the tables in the dictionary during update management (dictionaryfusion procedure). Again, the Copy typeand Copy option fields are not involved with this type of table.
Internal : no table of this type is shipped and this type is only used in the software development process and must not be used.