Field help (AWPUSRSIGN) 

It is used to define the successive signers, when a recipient allocation rule returns N signers for the Workflow rule. This information is namely used to correctly manage the signature cancellations.

Regarding Signature type events for which no allocation rule has been defined, the signers associated with the triggering rule are used. In this way, when N cascading signers have been defined in the original rule and all the signature rules that follow do not have any allocation rule, it is possible to find out the whole signature circuit at each level.

It should be noted that the users defined by the rule before the possible application of delegation rules appear here. For instance, if the first recipient of the signature rule is not available, and they are replaced, the Signer 1 field will contain the original signer, whereas the First recipient field will contain the replacement to whom the signature request has been actually sent.