This is the total credit amount calculated by the system.
This amount includes:
- Orders in progress (excluding loan orders and delivery requests) if the OSTORD - On order in order total parameter (VEN chapter, OST group) is set to Yes.
- Deliveries in progress (excluding non billable deliveries).
- The delivered but not invoiced elements.
- Loan orders and delivered loan orders in progress when the parameter OSTLND - Loan in order total (VEN chapter, OST group) is set to Yes.
- The invoiced but not posted elements.
- The accounting balance.
- The notes payable/receivable, based on the OSTDRAFT - Customer credit note P/R amt. parameter (TC chapter, OST group).
On the relevant documents, the credit amount:
- Considers the total of calculated taxes on all lines of these documents,
- Does not consider:
- Invoicing elements
- Global VAT adjustment.