Field help (BPSNUMPOC) 

The supplier code entered must meet particular conditions: be active and not of the prospect type. From this field, you can:

When the supplier entered is of the type "Miscellaneous", a window automatically opens for the entry of the address. When the entered supplier is of the 'Normal' type, you can view and potentially modify the address from the Actions icon, since the supplier code has been entered.

Following the entry of the supplier, a message is displayed when the supplier is declared "on-hold". This can be a blocking message or a simple warning according to the value given to the dispute code in the supplier record. 

In order duplication, changing suppliers is not authorized.

Case of inter-site reorder contracts: You can create inter-site contracts to manage reorders between sites:
Record the sites as customer BP and/or supplier BP. Requesting sites are referenced as Customers and reordering site as Suppliers.

When you create a purchase contract and enter a supplier of the inter-site type, the contract is considered as an inter-site contract. This means that when creating the purchase contract, the associated sales contract is automatically created. This contract is identical to the purchase contract. The customer for this sales contract will be the Customer associated with the requesting site that has issued the purchase contract.

The master contract is the purchase contract. A delivery call-off entered on the purchase contract automatically creates the delivery request in the sales contract. Any modification carried out on a delivery call-off is automatically duplicated on the delivery request of the sales contract (modification of the quantity, delivery call-off balance, deletion of the delivery call-off). At the level of the delivery request of the sales contract, no modification is possible, everything is managed by the purchase contract.

There is a case where the purchase delivery call-off can be modified by the sales delivery request. If a delivery request is partially delivered, the delivery request of the sales contract is split into two delivery requests. The first part applies to the delivered amount, the second to the remainder. In fact, the purchase delivery call-off will also be split into two delivery call-offs corresponding to the sales delivery requests.

Inter-company specificities: Within the framework of an inter-site or inter-company open order, the supplier needs to be declared as being of the inter-site type and the site associated with this supplier must be a sales site (it defines the sales site in the mirror sales contract). The purchase site at the origin of the open order must be able to identify an inter-site customer that will serve to define the reciprocal customer sales open order.

When the supplier is identified as being an inter-site supplier, the inter-site check box in the open order is automatically selected. If the site associated with the supplier belongs to another company than the purchase site of the order, the inter-company check box is also selected.

A warning message can be displayed in this context, if the customer linked to the purchase site is blocked. The generated sales order will display a blocked status. The inter-site orders are not themselves concerned with this operation. The WIP order book is not managed for the internal flows.