Field help (BPSNUMPOI) 

The supplier is initialized by default to the supplier specified in the header.
If no supplier is specified in the header, the supplier is initialized to the default supplier defined in the Product-site record.

If there is no supplier listed in the Product-site record, the default supplier listed in the Product-supplier record will be used, except if the ITMBPSFCY - Supplier-site referencing parameter (ACH chapter, REF group) specifies that the product-supplier must be listed at site level. In that case, you must define it at Products-Sites level.

If you change the receiving site, a message suggests that you run the default supplier search again, according to the following conditions:

You can modify it (in all situations).

To enter the supplier, enter the supplier code or click the Actions icon to:

This supplier cannot be defined as a ‘Prospect’ and must be ‘Active’.

When the supplier entered is of the Miscellaneous type, a window automatically opens for the address to be entered. When the entered supplier is a Normalsupplier, you can view and potentially modify the address from the Actionsicon, as soon as the supplier code has been entered.

After entering or modifying the supplier, the following messages may display:

If the supplier is modified and its units are different from those of the former supplier, the message "Do you want to order in US ?" is displayed. This enables the user to avoid any price setting inconsistency and keep a consistent order unit for the supplier.

In order duplication, changing suppliers is not authorized.

Inter-company specificities: Within the framework of an inter-site or inter-company order, the supplier needs to be declared as being of the inter-site type and the site associated with this supplier must be a sales site (it defines the sales site in the mirror sales contract). The purchase site at the source of the order must determine an inter-site customer so as to define the ship-to customer on the corresponding sales order.

When the supplier is identified as being an inter-site supplier, the inter-site flag of the order is automatically selected. If the site associated with the supplier belongs to another company than the purchase site of the order, the inter-company flag is also selected.

A warning message can be displayed in this context if the customer linked to the purchase site is blocked. The generated sales order displays a blocked status. The inter-site orders are not themselves concerned with this operation. No WIP is managed for internal flows.