Field help (BUCFLGDSP) 

The transfer basis determines the budget calculation type.

For instance: 

Original budget N-1: from 01/01/N-1 to 31/12/N-1

- Period 01:                           607000/SERV01/DIV01: 1000

- Period 02:                           607000/SERV01/DIV01: 2000

- Period 03 to 12:                   607000/SERV01/DIV01: 0

Calculated budget: from 01/01/N to 31/12/N

- Period 01:                           607000/SERV01/DIV01: 1000

- Period 02:                           607000/SERV01/DIV01: 2000

- Period 03 to 12:                   607000/SERV01/DIV01: 0

For instance:

Original budget N-1: from 01/01/N-1 to 31/12/N-1

- Period 01:                           607000/SERV01/DIV01: 1000

- Period 02:                           607000/SERV01/DIV01: 2000

- Period 03 to 12:                   607000/SERV01/DIV01: 0

- Time distribution key for 607000: 50 for January, 50 for February and 0 for the rest

Calculated budget: from 01/01/N to 31/12/N

- Period 01:                           607000/SERV01/DIV01: 1500

- Period 02:                           607000/SERV01/DIV01: 1500

- Period 03 to 12:                   607000/SERV01/DIV01: 0

If the decision is taken to only select a portion of the budgeted periods from the original budget (period 01 only), this has an impact on the amount to distribute (1,000 instead of 3,000) and the calculated budget will see an equivalent reduction. If the contrary is true and the decision is made to select all the budgeted periods (01 to 12) in the budget N-1, but to restrict the period for the calculated budget to the first period of the year, the selected amount will be identical to the instance, but the calculated budgeted amount will be distributed prorata with the time key only on this period (in this case only the 01 period would have been budgeted for 1,500).