Field help (CCMCRDESC) 

Use this field to provide a clear statement describing the goal of these requirements. Your statement should be measurable. It should include criteria that must be met for the design or production "change" to be considered successful in terms of cost, scheduling, or quality.

You can also use this field to provide the following information:

  • An "in scope" description
    This would be a comprehensive and detailed description of the specific adjustments required. If you include an "in scope" description you should tailor it to fit the severity level of this requirement. For example, if the Severity field is set to Major you should include detail that will guarantee the quality of the product. For a new design, you should demonstrate how the new design would succeed in the marketplace.
  • What is out of scope for these requirements.

 Your statement is critical to the success of these requirements. It will be used when defining the deliverables for the design or production model. It will also used to avoid scope creep.

 Your information should not specify how the change should be carried out.