Field help (CCMPLNLNST) 

Use this field to indicate the current stage of this planned deliverable.

The following stages are associated with the actioning of a task in the plan:

When a new action (task) is added to the plan.
Pending is the default status for new tasks.

In progress
When the task in the plan has started or is currently being actioned.
Changing this task from Pending to In progress automatically populates the Start date.
 You can revert this task from In progress status to Pending status if required. If you do this the system will automatically delete the Start date.

When the task in the plan has been delivered in full and the task is complete.
Changing this task from In progress to Completed automatically populates the End date.
 You must ensure the scope of the task has been delivered in full before you select the Saveaction. It will not be possible to revert it to In progress after you select Save.
 When all tasks are set as complete the status of the whole plan (Statusfield) changes to Completed status.
 You must be logged in as the assigned actioner to set a task status.
The change manager or project manager (planner) for this change request is not permitted to add status tracking information on your behalf.