Use this field to define what type of component this is. This field relates directly to the supplementary sequence number used for options and variants (field Sub (field BOMSEQNUM)). You can set it to one of the following values:
- Normal. A standard component of this bill of materials. This type of component is always added to a sales transaction.
- Option. An optional component of this bill of materials. It is not mandatory to add this type of component to a sales transaction.
- Variant. A variant or alternative of a standard component. It is mandatory to add the standard or a variant of the component to a sales transaction.
- Multiple option. When a value must be calculated for the provisional cost and the production cost price of the parent product.
- Normal (with formula). This is the default value if you have used a 'Component selection' formula in the field Selection formula (field FORSEL). The components selected by the formula are not included in the list of components individually, however they are standard components of this bill of materials and added to a sales transaction.
All components with the same sequence number must be the same type of component.