Field help (CPTSTRDAT2) 

This field is only used for the allocation structures that use the following distribution types: Calculated amount or Calculated Quantity.
It corresponds to the reference period used in the calculation of the distribution coefficients. The purpose of these distribution types is to distribute the balance (in amount) or the quantity (in non-financial units) of each selected dimension into all the other dimensions in proportion to the postings of the selected dimensions on a distribution nature.
The purpose of the Calculation period is to:

For example:
For an "Administration" dimension to which advertising expenses have been posted (expense type to distribute: "advertising") from 01/01/07 to 31/01/07 for a value of EUR 5,000.
The aim is to distribute these expenses into the other departments in proportion to their sales (distribution nature: "Sales") recorded for the period ranging from 01/01/07 to 31/12/07.

The allocation period ranges from 01/01/07 to 31/01/07. The coefficient calculation period range from 01/01/07 to 31/12/07.

The advertising expenses posted to the "Administration" dimension are distributed into the Departments 1 and 2 in proportion to the sales achieved by these two departments over a period which ranges from 01/01/07 to 31/12/07. The distribution coefficients are calculated over this period.
The range of the coefficient calculation period matches the definition of accounting periods. It is possible to define a coefficient calculation period over multiple accounting periods of the same fiscal year. In that case, the range of these periods must be respectively the start date of the first accounting period and the end date of the last accounting period.
SEEINFO By default, the range for this period is that of the current fiscal year.