Field help (CRITBLA) 

This screen is used to specify the criteria for the selection and display of the dimension balance.

Selection criteria:

- Company/Site: the company is compulsory.

- Date range:

- Taking into account the entries again Y/N.

- Taking into account the entries period closure Y/N.

- Any dimension type Y/N.

The "All dimension types" flag is used to display only for the requested dimension type code, the postings carried out on a nature and all the selected dimension type codes.

Display criteria:

- A budget code for visualizing budgetary data.

- Display currency for the amounts (mandatory).

- A currency equivalent calculator (optionnal).

For instance: 1 for amounts in Euro, 1000 for amounts in Kilo-Euro.

- A screen code (optional) that makes reference to the set up inquiry screens. Notably these screens define the columns to be displayed in the inquiry grid.

All these criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX on clicking the "Memo" button. To re-display criteria saved under memo code YYY, click on button "Call" and enter YYY. The criteria saved under the memo code STD will be pre-loaded when the user enters the function.